
TLUG.NomiKai++; /* ModSecurity/Detaxe/ss */

二度目のTLUG、今回はModSecurityとDetaxeとscalable storageだった。会場は天下(?)のSun、用賀を見下ろせる27Fのミーティングルーム、エアコンがバリバリで蝶快適。自動販売機にSunのロゴが入っていて、通常の値段よりも30円とか安いのな。荷物搬入のエレベータからしか会場に行けなくて、ちょっと迷ってしまったがな!!1 :P
[It's second time to join TLUG meeting for me. This time is about ModSecurity, Detaxe and OSS scalable storage. T3h location is SUN Microsystems @ YoGa, 27th floor w/ coolest A/C, it's good. T3h automat has Sun logo is, discounts all beverage 30 JPY, it's good. To reach t3h 27th floor, we have to use a lift that looks like mainly for carry big WS in, it's not good. :P]

[All of this time's presentation were done by non-native peeps, or they might keep thier mind to speek slowly, it hepls to me to understand what they'd say more than the prev's. So, something like that, "The best way to beat vulnabilities is fixing as bugs though. In case fo w/o source code or proposed patch breaks our system, it's not fun. So just work around by using this FW. B/c everytime this crap goes wrong, boss blames me!!1", "We don't need parasitic OEM software which has unknown price. About 30% of our payment is for these craps, so refund these undesirable tax. OPTIONAL is definitely FTW!!1", "cman, CLVM, GNBD, GFS2, DRBD and DM-MP will make me happy to do OSS free riding!!1"]

matsuuさんが「割り勘負けしない様に喰いまくれ!!1」と言っていたので、テキトーに喰いまくって腹一杯になると、前と同じ様に、ネイティブな方々がペラペラしゃべっている横でヒアリングの真似をするが、相変わらず分からんかった。何かもうね、単語の切れ目とか全然分からんのですけど気のせいですね、そうですね。とか思っていたら、trombikセンセーが来て、「どうよ、俺のプレゼン?」とか仰ったので、自分がネイティブな英語が聞き取れない事を棚に挙げて「話、長ーい」とか「数字を日本語だー」とか茶化した。 :P
[First NomiKai, WataminChi@Yoga, while we were going to, I got jim's name card!!1 :)
matsuu sez "eat, just eat to earn back my 3000 JPY!!1", we're stuffed. Then, we did hearing English who are native speakers sat at our side. O.K. I don't understand what they're talking about, well, they're really speaking English? It's really hard to me to recognize any gap between word-to-word. Then trombik came and asked, "how about mine?". Even if my English skill sucks, but there is no problem to say like "TOO LONG!!1" or "T3H NUMBERS ARE STILL JAPANESE!!1".]

その後、プレゼンの中休みにsmoking roomで「VHDLでメシ喰ってるけど、OpenSPARCはVerilogだから分かんね」とか言ってたのを覚えててくれたSunのshojiさんが来て、まったく関係無いSunの内部情報をリークしてくれた。曰く、「日本語が流暢でない外国人は、自分の思っている事がキチンと相手に伝わらない事にストレスを感じてるのでマネジメントすんの大変なんよ」とか「同僚の外国人と食事に行く事と飯を喰っている時は横文字で話すから、これをヨコメシと言う」とか。おー、何と言う貴重な情報。 :DDD
[After that, I met shoji at smoking room at Sun and mumbled "I prefer VHDL, but OpenSPARC is Verilog", so he came to talk us again, thanks. And he leaks awesome Sun's confidentials like "it's reallly hard to management foreigners in a office live in Japan but who can not speak Japanese very well b/c they're frustrated always, some Japanese doesn't understand completely what they'd saying." or "To lunch w/ foreigners. We, Japanese should speak English (was written on a papar directed left to right, in Japanse, it's YOKO direction) in that time. So it's called YokoMeshi (Meshi means lunch, of cource)." OMG, Sun rock0rz!!1 :DDD]

とても良い漫才でした、ほんとうにありがとうございました。 :DDD
[Second NomiKai, Irish bar @ ShibuYa, its name can not be read for me b/c strongly-distorted fonts are used. It's time to listen t3h trombik's bitching Japanese like that.
"n00b, you must studied English in your school days, so explain in English!!1", "Here is Japan. There is no problem to speak Japanese. If you don't like Japan, go other countries!!1", "fsck, I'm facing those stupid problem!!1", "Nah, I'm also facing this stupid problem, you!!1"
It's nice ManZai. KTHX. :DDD]

他にも色々話したけど、とりあえず、正しい日本文化を広める為に「DEATH NOTEが好き」と言ってたオランダな人に「銀魂とJOJOがオススメ」とか言っといた。 :P
[To correct Japanese calture, we recommend GinTama and JOJO to a fun of DEATH NOTE, who comes from Netherland. It's for great justice. :P]

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