実家に帰らせていただきます. :P
[Hum, I have no something to eat.
So, I'll do it. :P
And then, I'll come back at 1/4.]
それでは,良いお年を! :)
[Happy holiday! :)]
elgooG is NOT Google!
飽きたら戻します. :P
[I have got the template.
So, I tweaked it which you see.
Kinda flavor changed.
If it go off, I'll try other flavor. :P]
飽きたら戻します. :P
[I have got the template.
So, I tweaked it which you see.
Kinda flavor changed.
If it go off, I'll try other flavor. :P]
Funny definition of OSs.
Urban Dictionaryを見ていた.
[When My box is compiling, I had browsed Urban Dictionary.
These are silly translation.]
1. linux
UNIX Airways
Mac Airlines
Windows Air
Windows NT Air
殆ど Windows Air と同じですが,少しお高めです.
Windows XP Air
XP Air の航空機は XP Air と契約した空港にのみ立ち寄ります.
XP Air の課す契約は厄介で,
他の利用客と全く同一のXP Air 特製の制服とスーツケースになり,
Linux Air
話は変わりますが,Linux は Kenerlです.
他の GNU/GPL なソフトウェア達が OS 以外の部分を構成します.
GNU/Linux は弁護士が法廷で使う用語です.
話は変わりますが,「めりーくりすます」 :P
[BTW, "Marry Christmas". :P]
Urban Dictionaryを見ていた.
[When My box is compiling, I had browsed Urban Dictionary.
These are silly translation.]
1. linux
UNIX Airways
Mac Airlines
Windows Air
Windows NT Air
殆ど Windows Air と同じですが,少しお高めです.
Windows XP Air
XP Air の航空機は XP Air と契約した空港にのみ立ち寄ります.
XP Air の課す契約は厄介で,
他の利用客と全く同一のXP Air 特製の制服とスーツケースになり,
Linux Air
話は変わりますが,Linux は Kenerlです.
他の GNU/GPL なソフトウェア達が OS 以外の部分を構成します.
GNU/Linux は弁護士が法廷で使う用語です.
話は変わりますが,「めりーくりすます」 :P
[BTW, "Marry Christmas". :P]
Salvage in my stuffs.
[For cleaning up my PC data,
I'm salvaging in my old HDD.]
I found my associate thesis when I was a student of ONCT.
And then, I found "a speculation about yin and yang" and
"a speculation about the vampire" or so, too. :P]
勿論,手直しして,だけど. :P
my associate thesis was uploaded at PARR.
The others will be sealed off.
If someone want to read it, it may be uploaded at PARR, maybe.
Of cource, I'll fix it before these upload. :P]
[For cleaning up my PC data,
I'm salvaging in my old HDD.]
I found my associate thesis when I was a student of ONCT.
And then, I found "a speculation about yin and yang" and
"a speculation about the vampire" or so, too. :P]
勿論,手直しして,だけど. :P
my associate thesis was uploaded at PARR.
The others will be sealed off.
If someone want to read it, it may be uploaded at PARR, maybe.
Of cource, I'll fix it before these upload. :P]
¥525,000 and ¥25,000. which do you like?
[High priced one and low priced one.
Its performance might be propotional to each price.
Though, self-compiling sounds like not kinda. :P]
[High priced one and low priced one.
Its performance might be propotional to each price.
Though, self-compiling sounds like not kinda. :P]
Static declaration of 'GonyoGonyo' follows non-static declaration!
良くタイトルみたいなメッセージのエラーを見る. :(
[When we use gcc-4.x.x,
it'll has a lot of the things like the title.:(]
[To work around ways are many case,
to remove one of static declarations,
to expand inline functions by manually,
to use the option for to enable backward compat...
But, these are JUST to work around ways, are NOT to solved. :(]
って,サボっている自分が一番やらなきゃならない事だったりして. :P
[Yay, DO code! SO code!
Mm'kay, like that said, I know I would/should DO it. :P]
良くタイトルみたいなメッセージのエラーを見る. :(
[When we use gcc-4.x.x,
it'll has a lot of the things like the title.:(]
12/20 02:47:04 nixnut適当な方のstaticを消すとか,
mmm, how does one fix this?
-> http://pastebin.com/470413
(apart from stopping being an fool and trying gcc-4.0.2)
12/20 03:16:13 hiyuh
nixnut: did you use >=gcc-4?
12/20 03:17:06 hiyuh
if so, i have seen like this, too.
12/20 03:17:14 nixnut
hiyuh: yup
12/20 03:28:10 nixnut
it's just a stupid little header problem,
but I can't make heads or tails of it :|
12/20 03:31:31 hiyuh
hum, /usr/include/asm/bitops.h has little description
of this ffs definition.
12/20 03:33:09 nixnut
yeah, same description is in /usr/include/linux/bitopts.h.
Doesn't tell me anything
12/20 03:35:19 nixnut
static inline int generic_ffs(int x)
<-> static __inline__ int ffs(int x) ?
12/20 03:35:54 hiyuh
i donno, but this ffs looks like small function,
so can't you try manually inline expansion?
[To work around ways are many case,
to remove one of static declarations,
to expand inline functions by manually,
to use the option for to enable backward compat...
But, these are JUST to work around ways, are NOT to solved. :(]
12/20 03:36:27 nixnutひたすらコーディングですよ!
hehe, nfc what that means :)
12/20 03:36:47 nixnut
I don't code, I just break the stuff :p
12/20 03:39:42 hiyuh
hehe, but gcc-4 + static declaration has many errors
like that, afaik.
12/20 03:40:36 nixnut
yeah, I found lots. A change in gcc,
so it doesn't warn any more but dies with an error
if I understand it correctly
12/20 03:44:23 hiyuh
umm, gcc-4 is so far...
12/20 03:45:11 hiyuh
it looks like good for optimize features though
12/20 03:47:20 nixnut
mmm perhaps -Wtraditional might help
12/20 03:47:32 nixnut
fixing the headers would be better though
12/20 03:51:47 hiyuh
nixnut: ya, DO code. :P
12/20 03:52:12 nixnut
12/20 03:53:19 hiyuh
or try to put -traditional into CFLAGS or so for work around.
って,サボっている自分が一番やらなきゃならない事だったりして. :P
[Yay, DO code! SO code!
Mm'kay, like that said, I know I would/should DO it. :P]
今さっき帰って来た. :P
起きたら続きを書きます. :P
[Well, I came back just now. :P
And I have to have some sleeping,
because We had enjoyed until 3rd party.
Then, I'll post about this things or so. :P]
取り敢えず,皆さんありがとうございます. ;)
特にidaniさんには.CFなブツを貰ったので. ;)
[Meanwhile, thanks guys. ;)
Especially, idani-san for to give me some CF stuffs. ;)]
と言ってもあんまりここに書ける事が無ぇ. :P
Well, I have no things which should be posted here. :P
So, I post a pic of the bunch from the Nomikai.]
起きたら続きを書きます. :P
[Well, I came back just now. :P
And I have to have some sleeping,
because We had enjoyed until 3rd party.
Then, I'll post about this things or so. :P]
取り敢えず,皆さんありがとうございます. ;)
特にidaniさんには.CFなブツを貰ったので. ;)
[Meanwhile, thanks guys. ;)
Especially, idani-san for to give me some CF stuffs. ;)]
と言ってもあんまりここに書ける事が無ぇ. :P
Well, I have no things which should be posted here. :P
So, I post a pic of the bunch from the Nomikai.]
Err, I had slept in LAB before I knew
寮に帰るつもりだったのに,研究室で寝てた. :P
[I wouldn't go back the 54dorm. :P]
でも,今日は例の日なので,仕事を放棄. :P
[In WebESup,
I had some stuff of full-text search engine like or so
by using ZCatalog.
It maybe needs to tune up for to be suite its spec.
But, today has the thing, I'll run away from this needs. :P]
Willcom W-ZERO3とか言うモバイルなブツが出て騒がれているみたい.
でも,あの系統の通信機器って分解/改造したら違法だった様な. :(
[I herd that Willcom has launch W-ZERO3.
That has ARM-cored CPU which Intel provided,
the price is about ¥30000.
It seems sweet for some nerd/geek use.
But, in Japan,
the products which use for communication are taken apart/hack
is maybe avoision, AFAIK. :(]
[Then, it's a one of random my favorite topic.]
Embedded Ethernut
[This is Open-Hardware/Software Atmel+Xilinx board.
A thing someone said on the top of its page is cool!
"When I was your age, we had 8 bit CPUs!
And we liked it! And we didn't complain!"]
[I wouldn't go back the 54dorm. :P]
でも,今日は例の日なので,仕事を放棄. :P
[In WebESup,
I had some stuff of full-text search engine like or so
by using ZCatalog.
It maybe needs to tune up for to be suite its spec.
But, today has the thing, I'll run away from this needs. :P]
Willcom W-ZERO3とか言うモバイルなブツが出て騒がれているみたい.
でも,あの系統の通信機器って分解/改造したら違法だった様な. :(
[I herd that Willcom has launch W-ZERO3.
That has ARM-cored CPU which Intel provided,
the price is about ¥30000.
It seems sweet for some nerd/geek use.
But, in Japan,
the products which use for communication are taken apart/hack
is maybe avoision, AFAIK. :(]
[Then, it's a one of random my favorite topic.]
Embedded Ethernut
[This is Open-Hardware/Software Atmel+Xilinx board.
A thing someone said on the top of its page is cool!
"When I was your age, we had 8 bit CPUs!
And we liked it! And we didn't complain!"]
PowerPC SBC, Fake Mac mini
[More sneaky way...]
Genesi EFIKA 5K2
[Genesi EFIKA 5K2
The vender is known as PowerPC box vernder overseas from Japan.
The 50 SBCs cost $14950, so 1 SBC costs $299.]
ついでに,偽Mac mini.:P
[And then,
This is a fake Mac mini. :P]
[More sneaky way...]
Genesi EFIKA 5K2
[Genesi EFIKA 5K2
The vender is known as PowerPC box vernder overseas from Japan.
The 50 SBCs cost $14950, so 1 SBC costs $299.]
ついでに,偽Mac mini.:P
[And then,
This is a fake Mac mini. :P]
I'll join GentooJP NOMIKAI!
今から楽しみ. :)
[Ya, I'll join GentooJP NOMIKAI.
I'm looking forward to seeing them. :)]
今日は短い投稿にしとこうっと. :P
[K, today's post be short. :P]
今から楽しみ. :)
[Ya, I'll join GentooJP NOMIKAI.
I'm looking forward to seeing them. :)]
今日は短い投稿にしとこうっと. :P
[K, today's post be short. :P]
Single Board Computers!
[Sneaky way...]
Glomation GESBC-93xxシリーズが良さ気.
Cirrus Logic EP9302が$65.
[These Glomation GESBC-93xx series sound like good for EP93xx user.
Cirrus Logic EP9302 SBC, it costs $65.]
GAO Research Inc Embedded Linux Boards
は良く見たらAtmark Technoの板じゃないかな?
[Eh, aren't
GAO Research Inc Embedded Linux Boards
SBCs of Atmark Techno?]
CQ出版の例のブツにLinuxが移植されるのは定めなのです. :P
[BTW, It's a karma.
The project does port Linux into the SBC is a product of CQ-publishing
had launch. :P]
[Sneaky way...]
Glomation GESBC-93xxシリーズが良さ気.
Cirrus Logic EP9302が$65.
[These Glomation GESBC-93xx series sound like good for EP93xx user.
Cirrus Logic EP9302 SBC, it costs $65.]
GAO Research Inc Embedded Linux Boards
は良く見たらAtmark Technoの板じゃないかな?
[Eh, aren't
GAO Research Inc Embedded Linux Boards
SBCs of Atmark Techno?]
CQ出版の例のブツにLinuxが移植されるのは定めなのです. :P
[BTW, It's a karma.
The project does port Linux into the SBC is a product of CQ-publishing
had launch. :P]
It's the time of bcm43xx driver!
今日はニュース口調. :P
[Today, I have to became like a news caster. :P]
this is to let you know that today's news.]
[The diver of Broadcom bcm43xx is built in new PowerBook or so
updates the status to experimental.]
[The follows are some short digests of
this news from #gentoo-ppc]
[JoseJX who is a man of the drivers projest members
had logged in the IRC channel from the dirver.]
[He had been dancing for expression his wild excitement.]
[Meanwhile, I had sent to a letter of thanks.]
[They ignore other news because they are plainly in a state of
wild excitement.]
the driver has some issues of related to sleep features or so.
But its performance is above 11Mbps.]
もし興味が有れば,取り敢えず,Gentoo Forumのこの投稿をお読み下さい.
[If you interested to this news,
please check it out the post in Gentoo Forum before ask
your question.]
[Today, I have to became like a news caster. :P]
this is to let you know that today's news.]
[The diver of Broadcom bcm43xx is built in new PowerBook or so
updates the status to experimental.]
[The follows are some short digests of
this news from #gentoo-ppc]
12/05 01:52:06 KillerFoxこのドライバのプロジェクトメンバーであるJoseJX(敬称略)は
JoseJX: AE ist working now? :-)
12/05 01:52:22 JoseJX
KillerFox: Almost
12/05 01:52:40 JoseJX
Actually, it is, but there's a bunch of things still missing.
12/05 01:52:51 KillerFox
oh okay :-)
12/05 01:53:04 JoseJX
But I've browsed the internet via my bcm4306 pcmcia card. :)
12/05 01:53:41 KillerFox
heh :-)
12/05 01:56:08 nostromo
12/05 01:57:27 hiyuh
[JoseJX who is a man of the drivers projest members
had logged in the IRC channel from the dirver.]
12/05 03:04:10 JoseJX2彼はその喜びを体で表現しておりました.
I'm IRCing from our driver. :)
12/05 03:04:12 *
JoseJX2 dances around the room!
12/05 03:04:17 fuoco
JoseJX2: cool !
[He had been dancing for expression his wild excitement.]
[Meanwhile, I had sent to a letter of thanks.]
12/05 03:34:22 *皆,興奮気味な様で他のニュースには目もくれない状況です.
hiyuh sends a letter of thanks to JoseJX about this working.
12/05 03:34:55 nixnut
send a letter of credit instead :)
12/05 03:35:20 hiyuh
[They ignore other news because they are plainly in a state of
wild excitement.]
12/05 03:39:45 a_l_e未だスリープ機能等に関して幾つか課題が残っている様ですが,
news on the cross platform side: Mac OS X 10.4.4
(http://www.thinksecret.com/news/0511macosx1044.html) :-))
12/05 03:41:18 nixnut
No it doesn't. emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy
"Mac OS X 10.4.4".
12/05 03:41:49 hansmi
Who needs Mac OS X, anyway?
12/05 03:41:54 nixnut
12/05 03:45:34 Flameeyes
especially when we have JoseJX :P
12/05 03:49:19 JoseJX
the driver has some issues of related to sleep features or so.
But its performance is above 11Mbps.]
もし興味が有れば,取り敢えず,Gentoo Forumのこの投稿をお読み下さい.
[If you interested to this news,
please check it out the post in Gentoo Forum before ask
your question.]
There are funny guys!
今日はbug dayだったらしく,
自分もsandbox violationの勉強をしていたら,
#gentoo-ppcではcpw(敬称略)が死にかけていた. (:
[Today's topic comes from #gentoo-ppc too.
BTW, Today is bug day, I had heard.
So, I had read the document about sandbox violation,
When cpw is dying. (:]
[After the lol event,
I'd be going to get something to eat.
Errand, errand. :)]
[Then, when I had came back...]
[They had stuff something, almost.]
[And then,
fuoco starts talking about ntp issues.]
午前三時におにぎり片手にIRC! ;)
[Notice, almost of them are overseas of japan.
So, It's NOT really match the time they said to JST.
I'm on IRC at 03:00 AM with a rice ball on my hands! ;)]
JoseJX had put nixnut who makes to get screwed the thing
in the microwave.
Then, he had been cooked. :D]
今日はbug dayだったらしく,
自分もsandbox violationの勉強をしていたら,
#gentoo-ppcではcpw(敬称略)が死にかけていた. (:
[Today's topic comes from #gentoo-ppc too.
BTW, Today is bug day, I had heard.
So, I had read the document about sandbox violation,
When cpw is dying. (:]
12/04 02:13:30 *一通りログを見て笑った後,夜食を買いに行こうかと思い立つ.
cpw looks around and continues to die
12/04 02:13:42 *
nixnut helps cpw along
12/04 02:13:49 nixnut
have some nice blue pills chum
12/04 02:17:35 JoseJX
cpw: Aww, why are you dying?
12/04 02:17:45 cpw
I went to sleep at 3:30
12/04 02:17:55 cpw
woke up at 8:00
12/04 02:18:02 nixnut
12/04 02:18:07 cpw
half of me wants to die
12/04 02:18:16 *
nixnut knows the feeling
12/04 02:18:18 cpw
half of me wants to watch syoujo anime
12/04 02:18:31 *
nixnut doesn't know _that_ feeling
12/04 02:18:43 nixnut
12/04 02:18:57 JoseJX
I'm with nixnut on that one. :)
12/04 02:19:12 JoseJX
cpw: Watching things is pretty relaxing though
12/04 02:19:17 JoseJX
cpw: I think you'll be okay
12/04 02:19:26 *
nixnut feels like his kid brother just showed up :)
12/04 02:19:31 JoseJX
12/04 02:19:35 cpw
nixnut: let me help
12/04 02:19:46 cpw
nixnut: It'll help me wakeup
12/04 02:19:46 cpw
12/04 02:20:55 nixnut
cpw: heh, watch the anime dude and crash in front of
the screen.
12/04 02:21:04 cpw
sweet, this next episode is just packed with angst
12/04 02:21:07 cpw
12/04 02:22:55 *
nixnut points to cpw
[After the lol event,
I'd be going to get something to eat.
Errand, errand. :)]
12/04 02:22:43 *で,戻ってくると.
hiyuh is very hungry...
12/04 02:23:01 Trizt
hiyuh; when you fix food, make me some too
12/04 02:27:40 *
hiyuh is going to get something to eat, also for Trizt.
12/04 02:27:56 Trizt
:) thanks
[Then, when I had came back...]
12/04 02:33:29 mabi皆,適当に喰ったみたい.
i just had some food :) feeling way too bloated now...
12/04 02:33:53 nixnut
12/04 02:33:59 mabi
that's what poor code must feel like
12/04 02:34:02 *
nixnut is slightly stuffed too
12/04 02:34:04 mabi
12/04 02:34:36 cpw
-mabi=bloated openoffice.cpp
12/04 02:35:18 nixnut
risotto would be nice
12/04 02:49:35 *
hiyuh returns with some rice balls on his hands.
[They had stuff something, almost.]
[And then,
fuoco starts talking about ntp issues.]
12/04 02:56:23 fuoco皆海外だから全然JSTとは合ってないので注意.
for some reason my clock is not set correctly,
even though I use ntpd
12/04 02:56:36 nixnut
fuoco: yeah, here too
12/04 02:57:07 nixnut
ntp is behind the times o.O
12/04 02:57:08 fuoco
nixnut: any idea what's wrong with ntpd ?
12/04 02:57:25 nixnut
fuoco: no idea
12/04 02:57:36 fuoco
nixnut: what's the time on yours ?
12/04 02:57:53 nixnut
fuoco: 18:53
12/04 02:58:09 nixnut
my alarmclock says 18:58
12/04 02:58:22 fuoco
mine says 19:42
12/04 02:58:30 fuoco
should be about 20:00
12/04 02:58:33 mabi
and right is 18:59 :-P
12/04 02:58:35 nixnut
午前三時におにぎり片手にIRC! ;)
[Notice, almost of them are overseas of japan.
So, It's NOT really match the time they said to JST.
I'm on IRC at 03:00 AM with a rice ball on my hands! ;)]
12/04 03:01:44 *話の収拾が着かなくなったnixnut(敬称略)は,
hiyuh is on 03:00 AM
12/04 03:02:52 *
nixnut starts talking about his room temperature, humidity etc
12/04 03:03:17 *
JoseJX puts nixnut in the microwave
12/04 03:03:27 nixnut
wheeee nuke nuke nuke
12/04 03:04:06 *
nixnut 's steel nerves makes the microwave explode
12/04 03:04:44 nixnut
pffooey, hard work spelling
12/04 03:04:47 *
nixnut gives up
JoseJX had put nixnut who makes to get screwed the thing
in the microwave.
Then, he had been cooked. :D]
PARR up to date!
yaPyWiki を頑張って書かねば.
[So, I had done up to date my own web site PARR.
I'll have to put my efforts into yaPyWiki.]
nakano さんに blog を見付けられたらしい.
イイカゲンな事が書けなくなって仕舞った. :P
[nakano-san had found my blog.
So, I should not post like crap here. :P]
yaPyWiki を頑張って書かねば.
[So, I had done up to date my own web site PARR.
I'll have to put my efforts into yaPyWiki.]
nakano さんに blog を見付けられたらしい.
イイカゲンな事が書けなくなって仕舞った. :P
[nakano-san had found my blog.
So, I should not post like crap here. :P]
Maverick Crunch is SO Far...
Dario, psm, solar(敬称略)と話した.
[Same topic via #gentoo-embedded.
Today, I had talked with Dario, psm, solar.]
Dario は GNU gcc + uClibc で Maverick Crunch を
[Dario would correct implement Maverick Crunch
by using GNU gcc + uClibc.]
GNU gcc 内部に詳しい psm の登場待ち.
[So, we are patient til psm comes back.]
そこに solar が興味深い情報を提供してくれた. :)
[When, solar suggests to us his exp. :)]
Darioのケースでは C++ なライブラリのサポートが必要な為,
やはり psm 待ちになった. :(
間を持たせてみた. :P
[So, in his case, it requires C++ library support.
We are re-patient till psm comes back. :(
Then, I asked a tricky question for to fill the dull time. :P]
そして,上手い説明,凄い! :o
[Yeah, psm comes back.
And his suggestion is always cool! :o]
[Yup, I really hope my guru do it! :)]
Dario, psm, solar(敬称略)と話した.
[Same topic via #gentoo-embedded.
Today, I had talked with Dario, psm, solar.]
Dario は GNU gcc + uClibc で Maverick Crunch を
[Dario would correct implement Maverick Crunch
by using GNU gcc + uClibc.]
11/29 20:18:53 Darioと言う訳で,
Hello everybody :)
11/29 20:19:22 hiyuh
hey, Dario ;)
11/29 20:22:59 Dario
When compiling a stage2 gcc for my own toolchain I have an error
11/29 20:23:10 Dario
in gcc/libstdc++-v3/configure
11/29 20:23:18 Dario
Here is the config.log file:
11/29 20:23:25 Dario
11/29 20:24:05 Dario
The error log starts at line 174
11/29 20:25:38 Dario
I think this is due to a wrong uclibc installation, right?
11/29 20:26:01 Dario
But I would like to know what I did wrong...
11/29 20:27:15 hiyuh
Dario: hum, isnt it one of headers problems, afaik.
11/29 20:29:14 Dario
In fact it's not a "header xxx not found" error
11/29 20:30:01 Dario
like I had expected it to be
11/29 20:30:55 Dario
Mmm.. I need psm. He certainly knows..
11/29 20:32:22 hiyuh
ya, ask psm more than me. its better. :(
GNU gcc 内部に詳しい psm の登場待ち.
[So, we are patient til psm comes back.]
そこに solar が興味深い情報を提供してくれた. :)
[When, solar suggests to us his exp. :)]
11/29 20:32:34 solarと言う訳で,
libstdc++-v3 never worked on any uclibc install afaik
11/29 20:33:04 hiyuh
it needs uclibc++?
11/29 20:33:21 Dario
So a failed configure is ok?
11/29 20:33:46 solar
whatever depends on it. try to remove the dep.
11/29 20:33:59 solar
libstdc++-v3 is a hack anyway for bin compat with older gcc
11/29 20:34:14 solar
a stop gap ebuild more or less
11/29 20:36:48 Dario
solar: I'm building gcc from sources, not using an ebuild
11/29 20:37:06 Dario
So is there a way to tell gcc not to build libstdc++?
11/29 20:39:30 solar
yeah skip the dep
11/29 20:39:38 solar
or merge the pkg in question with -O
11/29 20:39:50 solar
or edit the ebuild and remove the line in question
11/29 20:39:59 solar
or --inject it
11/29 20:40:16 *
Dario remembers solar he is building gcc from sources
11/29 20:40:47 solar
gentoo building with sources ?
11/29 20:40:54 solar
I think redhat does not
11/29 20:40:57 Dario
manual building with sources
11/29 20:41:00 solar
but surely not gentoo
11/29 20:41:02 solar
11/29 20:41:14 hiyuh
eh, isnt it "--enable-languages=c,c++" to "--enable-languases=c"?
11/29 20:41:19 solar
oh. via the non ebuild?
11/29 20:41:42 Dario
./configure blah blah blah; make; make install
11/29 20:41:46 Dario
This stuff
11/29 20:42:09 Dario
hiyuh: so I should disable c++ at all?
11/29 20:42:13 solar
I was kidding with you
11/29 20:42:20 Dario
11/29 20:42:40 solar
do you need c++ right now? if not the above is quite acceptable
11/29 20:42:54 solar
thats more or less what out USE=nocxx flag does
11/29 20:42:58 solar
11/29 20:43:04 Dario
Yes, I should compile or the system with that compiler
11/29 20:43:26 Dario
I need c++
11/29 20:44:01 Dario
I've used the same configuration options that are used by crossdev
11/29 20:44:06 Dario
with the same configuration.
11/29 20:44:25 Dario
Only that I've changed the installation paths
11/29 20:44:33 Dario
Maybe the problem is there
Darioのケースでは C++ なライブラリのサポートが必要な為,
やはり psm 待ちになった. :(
間を持たせてみた. :P
[So, in his case, it requires C++ library support.
We are re-patient till psm comes back. :(
Then, I asked a tricky question for to fill the dull time. :P]
11/29 20:55:50 hiyuhで,psm 登場.
umm, if build gcc w/ glibc for cross compiler, the cross compiler cannt
build uClibc for the target?
11/29 20:58:37 Dario
hiyuh: I think yes. To build uClibc it's enough a stage 1 gcc it doesn't
matter what libc you have IMHO
11/29 21:02:05 hiyuh
Dario: heh, thx.
11/29 21:10:56 Dario
solar, hiyuh: thanks, I've just realized that also the gcc built with crossdev
11/29 21:11:08 Dario
fails when configuring libstdc++.
11/29 21:11:36 Dario
So this should be perfectly fine :)
11/29 21:15:12 hiyuh
11/29 21:20:03 solar
if you say so.
11/29 21:20:06 solar
good luck.
11/29 21:32:11 Dario
solar: yes, the errors in configure are the same but libstdcc++ gets
built anyway
そして,上手い説明,凄い! :o
[Yeah, psm comes back.
And his suggestion is always cool! :o]
11/29 23:58:53 psmこっちは滅茶苦茶に期待していますよ,先生! :)
Dario: lines 302 and 392 are your troubles probably, it seems that your build
env mixed glibc/uclibc libs
11/30 00:00:35 hiyuh
psm: heh, lib mix? header mix?
11/30 00:00:58 psm
lib mix
11/30 00:01:33 psm
header could be too, that DSO failure means very bad things are happening,
11/30 00:02:02 *
hiyuh is gazig the log...
11/30 00:03:11 Dario
psm: I'm compiling gcc with --with-sysroot=pointing to a directory
11/30 00:03:21 Dario
where only the uclibc libraries are present
11/30 00:03:53 Dario
Could this be a problem?
11/30 00:06:27 hiyuh
Dario: but the compiler (which use for to build the cross compiler) might search
its own headers(which is out side of sysroot)?
11/30 00:06:59 Dario
More probably those DSO failure could be caused by my gcc hacks..
11/30 00:07:03 psm
Dario: if you want to reinvent wheel, do it, else for a cross-compiler
use crossdev
11/30 00:07:33 Dario
psm: you know, I'm in big troubles since I've got to modify gcc for my needs :-(
11/30 00:07:45 Dario
There is nothing that works out of the box for me ...
11/30 00:08:14 psm
why ?
11/30 00:08:55 Dario
Becouse of that Maverick crunch coprocessor
11/30 00:09:03 Dario
which has bugged support in gcc 4.0
11/30 00:09:24 Dario
And has an incompatible ABI with standard arm processors, since it uses
11/30 00:09:36 Dario
floating point registers to pass variables to functions
11/30 00:10:04 hiyuh
umm, Maverick crunch is so far...
11/30 00:11:07 Dario
It's a DISASTER \o/
11/30 00:12:16 psm
Dario: what about trying then to use softfloat instead ?
11/30 00:12:52 Dario
psm: Yes, I know.. But I've got to deal with multimedia applications
11/30 00:13:12 Dario
and it's really a pity not to use the coprocessor which has been
11/30 00:13:36 Dario
put for those pourposes
11/30 00:14:11 Dario
I don't know... I'm looking at the code...
11/30 00:14:13 hiyuh
this feature in chip but not available... too sad...
11/30 00:14:34 Dario
Maybe I'll be able to correct this..
11/30 00:14:43 Dario
Maybe not, who knows..
11/30 00:15:14 psm
I would patch within gentoo what changes you need for gcc/binutils ...,
but use crossdev finally, else you can fail at too many places
11/30 00:15:29 psm
don't leave tested ground where you are not forced to
11/30 00:16:01 Dario
psm: ok, thanks for the tip
11/30 00:16:23 Dario
Up to now I've got a script which configures gcc exactly in the way
11/30 00:16:28 Dario
crossdev does
11/30 00:17:04 Dario
Actually it builds binutils, gcc, uclibc (patched), gcc stage2
11/30 00:21:01 hiyuh
Dario: btw, the chip you have is *just* ep9312? i have ep9315.
11/30 00:22:02 hiyuh
i know ep9315 has maverick, but is it lib compat?
11/30 00:22:33 Dario
hiyuh: I have an ep 9315 as well. From a instruction set point of view these
are equivalent.
11/30 00:24:00 hiyuh
Dario: heh, you are my guru, i hope you correct this implement!
11/30 00:24:31 Dario
hiyuh: If I'm your guru, then good luck to you! :)
11/30 00:24:42 hiyuh
[Yup, I really hope my guru do it! :)]
A Episode from #gentoo-embedded #2
ネタには困らんし. :P
[It's a interested to me like a that.
I have too many issues related its stuff. :P]
I have talked with Hali_303 about CompactFlash related issues.]
Kernel 側の自動認識に誤りが有るか,
[So, he has DMA's issues.
In this case, it cause that
Kernel's some auto detection feature failed,
The driver is not completely implementation,
Just a got bad hardware....
these are in a major oder in my mind.]
I gave him some suggestions for to work around this issue to disable the DMA.]
[Mm'kay, he got a solution. :)]
それを喰いながらこれ書いてました. :)
[After the event,
I bought a noodle and a rice ball at 7-11.
Then, I came back and post it now. :)]
ネタには困らんし. :P
[It's a interested to me like a that.
I have too many issues related its stuff. :P]
I have talked with Hali_303 about CompactFlash related issues.]
11/29 00:31:54 *と言う訳で,DMA の問題が起きていた様です.
Hali_303 (n=surfk@sclauto.scl.sztaki.hu) has joined #gentoo-embedded
11/29 00:32:00 Hali_303
11/29 00:32:13 Hali_303
anyone used a compact flash as a boot medium?
11/29 00:32:50 Hali_303
when I have a compact flash in my system, during bootup the kernel halts for a
few seconds and prints dma_timer_expiry
Kernel 側の自動認識に誤りが有るか,
[So, he has DMA's issues.
In this case, it cause that
Kernel's some auto detection feature failed,
The driver is not completely implementation,
Just a got bad hardware....
these are in a major oder in my mind.]
11/29 00:34:42 hiyuhと言う訳で,
Hali_303, isnt it a your target's kernel or drivers implementation issues?
11/29 00:38:33 hiyuh
Hali_303, or you *just* got bad compact flash. i know the driver works fine one,
but the driver work *not* fine another one.
11/29 00:43:33 Hali_303
hiyuh: what driver do you mean?
11/29 00:43:51 Hali_303
I have a geode GX1 target (i586 MMX compatible)
11/29 00:44:05 Hali_303
and the CF card can be accessed as a regular IDE drive
11/29 00:44:13 Hali_303
(the bios also sees it)
11/29 00:48:22 hiyuh
i mean "the driver is you selected (it might be found in kernel menu
configuration), then your target use for your cf"
11/29 00:51:23 hiyuh
storage device's driver and/or enabled dma has implementation issues sometimes,
i know
11/29 00:52:42 hiyuh
it coz driver's bug and/or to got bad device
11/29 00:53:38 hiyuh
so, havent you tried to disable dma?
I gave him some suggestions for to work around this issue to disable the DMA.]
11/29 01:07:13 Hali_303で,解決しました. :)
hiyuh: according to hdparm, DMA is disabled
11/29 01:08:19 hiyuh
Hali_303: hum, its a *just* new release hardware?
11/29 01:10:29 *
hiyuh has little knowledge about geode
11/29 01:13:33 hiyuh
Hali_303: some new released hardwares have a bit of driver's issues.
sorry, its just one of generally knowledge. :(
11/29 01:15:30 Hali_303
hiyuh: it's a pretty old advantech geode board
11/29 01:16:31 hiyuh
Hali_303: can i get its spec?
11/29 01:18:45 Hali_303
11/29 01:29:25 hiyuh
Hali_303: i just got its spec. :)
11/29 01:29:29 *
hiyuh is reading the pdf.
11/29 01:31:40 hiyuh
Hali_303: the board has Ultra DMA33 interface. its a cf interface, right?
11/29 01:35:22 hiyuh
Hali_303: umm, your kernel or driver has "dma auto detect is default" feature
or so? isnt it might be failed?
[Mm'kay, he got a solution. :)]
11/29 02:20:06 Hali_303この後,
hiyuh: I've got the solution
11/29 02:20:40 Hali_303
hiyuh: I had to do two things: in the kernel setup, I've enabled "multi mode by
default" and to the kernel command line, I've added hda=none hdb=none
11/29 02:20:47 Hali_303
(since the flash is hdc)
11/29 02:22:16 hiyuh
Hali_303: ah-ha, wilco.
11/29 02:23:11 hiyuh
Hali_303: have fun your embedded stuff! :)
11/29 02:24:24 Hali_303
hiyuh: thx! I've also disabled DMA to be sure, but I guess I can re-enable it,
since the previous two solved it
11/29 02:35:51 hiyuh
Hali_303: no problem, but im hungry. :P
11/29 02:35:55 *
hiyuh will go to get something to eat.
それを喰いながらこれ書いてました. :)
[After the event,
I bought a noodle and a rice ball at 7-11.
Then, I came back and post it now. :)]
A Episode from #gentoo-embedded
[Then, I saw a man sacrifices for uClibc...]
で,Dario さんが少し助けてくれた.
[And then, Dario makes a bit of to help.]
[But, this problem cold not solve, how shame. :(]
その後,少しGNU GCCについての話になるが...
[After, I have talked a bit of about GNU GCC...]
[Well, It's just NOT funny for us. :(]
[Then, I saw a man sacrifices for uClibc...]
11/28 06:16:34 zmedico
I built a i386-pc-linux-uclibc toolchain with crossdev and when I emerge dropbear
with ROOT=/somedir dies during configure because it can't find zlib. If I add
LDFLAGS="-L${ROOT}/lib" and CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -I${ROOT}/usr/include" to the
ebuild then it works but should that be necessary?
11/28 06:22:26 zmedico
I know that ROOT= isn't allways well supported but I just looking for pointers...
11/28 06:28:48 hiyuh
zmedico: umm, check your --host and --build option when configuration library for
your taregt, or ${CC} and ${CXX} also
11/28 06:32:20 hiyuh
NON-PREFIXed executable commands (like ${CC} as "gcc") generates architecture
specific object is VERY harmful...
11/28 06:32:21 zmedico
hiyuh: thanks, I'm pretty sure --host and --build were set properly in econf by
CHOST and CBUILD but let me check on the CC and CXX too...
11/28 06:32:55 zmedico
11/28 06:37:26 hiyuh
and check portage's FEATURES variable. if it contain sandbox or usersandbox,
remove it then cross re-emerging
11/28 06:37:45 zmedico
11/28 06:45:42 hiyuh
but i use crossdev+distcc+nfs tricks for my almost embedded stuff. i haven't used
ROOT+crossdev tricks for all embedded stuff.
11/28 06:46:42 *
hiyuh is a embedded newbie, dont trust him. :P
11/28 06:47:06 zmedico
ahh, so what I'm trying hasn't actually worked for you ;)
11/28 06:47:32 zmedico
config.log says CC='i386-pc-linux-uclibc-gcc'
11/28 06:51:28 hiyuh
mm, what did config.log said for your error? just zlib not found?
11/28 06:52:12 zmedico
cannot find -lz
11/28 06:53:24 *
zmedico suspects that many ebuilds are broken with respect to ROOT=/somedir
cross compilation...
で,Dario さんが少し助けてくれた.
[And then, Dario makes a bit of to help.]
11/28 06:54:05 Dario
zmedico: there are lots of ebuilds that don't compile with the ROOT cross
compilation trick
11/28 06:54:27 Dario
Or at least this is my personal experience...
11/28 06:54:55 Dario
Some of them are nearly impossible to cross-compile,
11/28 06:55:18 Dario
since, like xorg, use a particular build system
11/28 06:55:36 hiyuh
zmedico: mm, just execute "i386-pc-linux-eclibc -v", its output lack of
11/28 06:56:01 hiyuh
hi, Dario
11/28 06:56:13 Dario
hi hiyuh :)
11/28 06:57:22 Dario
zmedico: so prepare to tweak these variables very often :-)
11/28 07:00:29 *
hiyuh is making powerpc's faketoo on x86_64 server for fighting some horibble
beast's library
11/28 07:00:33 zmedico
Dario: thanks for the info. Do you normally just tweak the ebuilds then? If so,
do ebuild maintainers typically accept patches to fix this kind of thing?
11/28 07:02:57 Dario
zmedico: sometimes tweaking the ebuilds isn't worth it, imho. Better compiling
11/28 07:03:33 Dario
But in some situations compiling natively becomes too time consuming and I try
11/28 07:04:02 Dario
to make crossdev work with that package..
11/28 07:04:27 hiyuh
zmedico: one more info, some vanilla security related stuff is severe test when
configure and/or install, i remember
11/28 07:04:59 hiyuh
it is harmfull when cross compiling...
11/28 07:05:00 Dario
I've spent lots of time on cross-compilation issues, but I don't feel to have all
the answers, sorry
11/28 07:06:13 Dario
In this channel there are people who know this stuff much more than me.
11/28 07:06:46 zmedico
well, thanks anyways ;)
11/28 07:06:55 hiyuh
ya, more than me.
[But, this problem cold not solve, how shame. :(]
その後,少しGNU GCCについての話になるが...
[After, I have talked a bit of about GNU GCC...]
11/28 07:07:32 *
hiyuh wants to more hack power...
11/28 07:08:25 *
Dario needs more hack power, which is worse ;-P
11/28 07:10:41 *
Dario also needs knowledge of gcc internals for the arm platforms, since the
processor he has to use isn't supported properly
11/28 07:12:43 hiyuh
yap, some usefull apps have huge code size. so it is too complex to understand.
11/28 07:15:02 Dario
hiyuh: It's not that it's a so huge code size, It's that gcc is all about macros.
And you have to know them otherwise you don't understand what the hell the code
11/28 07:16:52 hiyuh
11/28 07:21:47 hiyuh
when i heve seen the gcc code is just when some problem happend. and that i have
only seen almost configuration related files. :(
11/28 07:38:49 Dario
hiyuh: when someone ends up looking at the gcc code, then something bad is going
11/28 07:42:58 hiyuh
Dario: ya, i know that's we are :(
[Well, It's just NOT funny for us. :(]
A Episode from #gentoo-ppc
#gentoo-ppc での或る出来事.
長いから. :P
[There is a episode from #gentoo-ppc.
Meantime, I didn't translate to Japanese this IRC logs.
It's a bit of long for me. :P]
[Yum, how nice. :)]
[Heh, I have seen like the things . :)]
長いから. :P
[There is a episode from #gentoo-ppc.
Meantime, I didn't translate to Japanese this IRC logs.
It's a bit of long for me. :P]
11/27 04:25:09 BearPerson良いね,こう言うの. :)
excuse me, would anyone here be willing to share some experience/advice to a fellow
source-distro developer about ppc installer CDs?
11/27 04:25:39 BearPerson
mine keep stopping to boot just before the framebuffer is initialized
11/27 04:26:10 BearPerson
strangely enough, the very same CD works on a different ppc box just fine
11/27 04:30:29 nixnut
BearPerson: no idea, have you tried a gentoo cd on both machines?
11/27 04:31:17 BearPerson
no, the one machine where it didn't work is my team lead's, we could try there,
the machine where it works was a normal user, no idea where he's off to
11/27 04:31:43 BearPerson
also, an ISO with 2.6.12 kernel booted, while one with 2.6.13 didn't
11/27 04:36:14 BearPerson
but there wouldn't be some community knowledge you could share? I'm pretty new to
making ppc ISOs, and might be falling into some or other almost-obvious pitfall
11/27 04:38:26 nixnut
BearPerson: well, I don't build those things myself, just consume them when I need
to install on a new maching. I think JoseJX and Pylon would be the people to talk
11/27 04:38:47 hansmi
All you need are the catalyst spec files (available via viewcvs) and catalyst
11/27 04:39:28 nixnut
yeah, but that's pretty gentoo centric, eh? :)
11/27 04:39:33 JoseJX
BearPerson: Is it a nvidia card?
11/27 04:39:47 hansmi
nixnut: We're in a Gentoo channel.
11/27 04:39:50 JoseJX
BearPerson: I'll bet you're having Framebuffer issues on boot
11/27 04:39:53 BearPerson
not sure...
11/27 04:39:58 BearPerson
JoseJX, yes, I am
11/27 04:40:00 nixnut
hansmi: damn! really?
11/27 04:40:12 JoseJX
BearPerson: That's almost definitely the problem then
11/27 04:40:23 BearPerson
nvidia cards not properly supported?
11/27 04:40:28 JoseJX
BearPerson: Try playing with the video= kernel append value
11/27 04:40:40 BearPerson
ah, will do, thanks
11/27 04:40:44 hansmi
video=ofonly should work on every card, but might be slow
11/27 04:40:44 JoseJX
11/27 04:42:02 BearPerson
ah, hmm... I don't even have framebuffer drivers for nvidia compiled into the
kernel... that probably is the problem :-)
11/27 04:45:15 BearPerson
video=ofonly doesn't boot properly in pearpc either, but then again, I've been told
that pearpc is near-total garbage for this kind of stuff
11/27 04:49:19 nixnut
BearPerson: yah, having an emulator emulate the OF framebuffer too might be asking
a bit too much :)
11/27 05:28:37 BearPerson
just a question, would my problems be obviously caused by missing the nvidia
framebuffer driver in the kernel config?
11/27 06:47:29 JoseJX
BearPerson: It's a common problem to not have it boot if you don't have the proper
framebuffer device, PPC requires it.
11/27 06:49:03 BearPerson
so likely the problem was just that I forgot to build all (or most) framebuffer
devices into the kernel?
11/27 06:52:04 JoseJX
BearPerson: Yeah, depends on your target, but it's best to compile in support for
as many as possible.
11/27 06:52:16 BearPerson
As I said when I came in... I'm very likely missing something dead obvious :-)
11/27 06:52:42 BearPerson
thanks a lot :-)
11/27 06:53:20 BearPerson
... and thanks for not flaming me out the door, everyone ;-)
11/27 06:53:53 BearPerson
if you ever happen to need some bash script, I'd be happy to help you :-)
11/27 06:55:10 JoseJX
BearPerson: BTW, it would probably be worth it to look through our forums, we deal
with a lot of common kernel problems because everyone compiles their own.
11/27 06:55:28 BearPerson
heh, that's true :-)
11/27 06:55:52 JoseJX
Which distro are you working on?
11/27 06:55:58 BearPerson
I've had someone on x86 today whose kernel wouldn't boot because of some built-in
RAID driver
11/27 06:56:12 BearPerson
Source Mage... /me points to cloak (or to channel list) ;-)
[Yum, how nice. :)]
11/27 06:56:13 nixnutどこでも同じだなぁ. :)
BearPerson: yeah, and if you find duplicates you can point them out to me so I can
clean up :p
11/27 06:56:32 BearPerson
duplicates where?
11/27 06:56:54 nixnut
BearPerson: in the forums, duplicate posts dealing with the same problem. But just
kidding :)
11/27 06:57:00 BearPerson
11/27 06:57:45 BearPerson
we recently had to restore the last few months of our bugzilla due to a hard drive
crash... recovered from the bugzilla change notification mails... we have duplicate
messages all over the place :-/
11/27 06:58:01 nixnut
BearPerson: ouch
11/27 06:58:22 BearPerson
was probably the sickest script I ever wrote
11/27 06:58:26 JoseJX
11/27 06:58:27 nixnut
[Heh, I have seen like the things . :)]
Amazing HIRA Method!
Armadillo-9 を封印するとこう言うネタが尽きない件について.
[I wonder,
when ONLY sealed down my embedded stuff
I JUST salvage some topics like that.]
[This is one of to read the source code: HIRA Method]
そのうち真似するか. :P
[Amazing, Yum-Yum...
He said,
The license of this method is "NOT to restrict to use the method".
I'll try it at some future day. :P]
[I wonder,
when ONLY sealed down my embedded stuff
I JUST salvage some topics like that.]
[This is one of to read the source code: HIRA Method]
そのうち真似するか. :P
[Amazing, Yum-Yum...
He said,
The license of this method is "NOT to restrict to use the method".
I'll try it at some future day. :P]
GNU GCC Support Cirrus Logic Maverick Crunch Optimisation
Armadillo-9 は封印したけど,少し出し遅れた関連ネタ.
[Armadillo-9 was sealed down.
But this topic is related it.]
Armadillo-9 に載っている Cirrus Logic EP9315は,
Maverick Crunch Co-Processor と言う FPU が付属している.
[Armadillo-9 is Cirrus Logic EP9315 CPU borad.
EP9315 has Maverick Crunch Co-Processor as FPU.]
GNU GCC に関するこのFPU 向けに最適化するオプションの
this topic is when building GNU GCC for
to optimise this FPU's option,
it happens some bugs.]
このバグレポートを出したDario Massarinさん,
以前 #gentoo-embedded で少し話した所,
彼は,GNU as でフルアセンブルな Maverick Crunch 用の
アプリを作る強者だった. :o
GNU GCC 4.0.x のドキュメントに EP93xx の最適化オプションを発見し,
[Dario Massarin reported this bug.
I have talked with him via IRC on #gentoo-embedded
about this FPU features.
I think he is nice guy because he had made an application
which coding completely GNU as for Maverrick Crunch. :o
He had found the optimisation options related this features
in GNU GCC 4.0.x documents,
and he had tried it, but it build failed.]
で,Richard Earnshawさんから
この御返事,対応が早ーい! :o
当の本人もこの驚き様. :P
[And then,
Richard Earnshaw replied.
Oh-ho, SO FAST! :o
Dario Massarin surprised.]
あとで訊いておこうっと. :)
it seems new bug comes.
Now, didn't it works about this features?
I want to talk about this things if there is a next time. :)]
[Armadillo-9 was sealed down.
But this topic is related it.]
Armadillo-9 に載っている Cirrus Logic EP9315は,
Maverick Crunch Co-Processor と言う FPU が付属している.
[Armadillo-9 is Cirrus Logic EP9315 CPU borad.
EP9315 has Maverick Crunch Co-Processor as FPU.]
GNU GCC に関するこのFPU 向けに最適化するオプションの
this topic is when building GNU GCC for
to optimise this FPU's option,
it happens some bugs.]
このバグレポートを出したDario Massarinさん,
以前 #gentoo-embedded で少し話した所,
彼は,GNU as でフルアセンブルな Maverick Crunch 用の
アプリを作る強者だった. :o
GNU GCC 4.0.x のドキュメントに EP93xx の最適化オプションを発見し,
[Dario Massarin reported this bug.
I have talked with him via IRC on #gentoo-embedded
about this FPU features.
I think he is nice guy because he had made an application
which coding completely GNU as for Maverrick Crunch. :o
He had found the optimisation options related this features
in GNU GCC 4.0.x documents,
and he had tried it, but it build failed.]
で,Richard Earnshawさんから
この御返事,対応が早ーい! :o
当の本人もこの驚き様. :P
[And then,
Richard Earnshaw replied.
Oh-ho, SO FAST! :o
Dario Massarin surprised.]
あとで訊いておこうっと. :)
it seems new bug comes.
Now, didn't it works about this features?
I want to talk about this things if there is a next time. :)]
Overslept, Reading Some Documents Related Python
調布祭二日目を寝過ごした. :P
[I had overslept Chofu-festival 2nd-day. :P]
卒業研究の方が一段落するまで Armadillo-9 は封印するので,
I'll have Armadillo-9 is sealed down.
Be patient next time.]
Python のコーディングに入る前に,
[I have to read some documents related Python for my resarch.]
Python Official Doocuments
PyJUG Japanese Documents
Learning Python, 2nd Edition
A Byte of Python
Dive Into Python
[I had overslept Chofu-festival 2nd-day. :P]
卒業研究の方が一段落するまで Armadillo-9 は封印するので,
I'll have Armadillo-9 is sealed down.
Be patient next time.]
Python のコーディングに入る前に,
[I have to read some documents related Python for my resarch.]
Python Official Doocuments
PyJUG Japanese Documents
Learning Python, 2nd Edition
A Byte of Python
Dive Into Python
Mac OS X, interesting UNIX flavor, closed dark side
買ったその日に Gentoo Linux で生活していた PowerBook G4 12"の
Mac OS X の方の設定やらアプリケーションやら弄ってみた.
*BSDな方達にはすこぶる評判の良い Mac OS X であるが,
Linux Newbie な人間には馴染むのか弄くり回してみたと言う訳である.
[Heretofore, I liv'in Gentoo Linux on PowerBoook G4 12".
Barely, I try to liv'in Mac OS X on same PowerBook G4 12".
Mostly *BSD users said that "Mac OS X is GOOD!",
So, I try to liv'in Mac OS X as Linux Newbie.]
色々な所にUNIXな風味が漂う Mac OS X である.
[On the first sight,
The GUI NOT ONLY stand out in Mac OS X,
BUT ALSO I feel UNIX flavor on some parts of its.
It is JUST intersting for me to liv'in this environment.]
Mac OS Xを褒めてどうする?」
Gentoo は Linux ではなくメタディトリビューションと言う
Gentoo/OSX もインストールしたし. :p
[Perhaps, I'll hear that anyone said,
"Hey, Aren't you Gentoolist?"
Nah, Gentoo is NOT ONLY Linux.
Again, Gentoo is meta-distribution.
I have installed Gentoo/OSX in it. ;p]
熟成された堅牢な UNIX コアに,
先進的な GUI を付加する事で,
Windows ユーザーから UNIX ユーザーまで引き込むとは,
[I have very surprise,
The modern GUI built on robust UNIX system
atrracts NOT ONLY Windows users BUT ALSO UNIX users.]
私は Linux でも *BSD でも駆け出しの Newbie でしかないし,
一つ褒めて,一つ貶す事にしよう ;p
I'm JUST Newbie as UNIX user, JUST one of end-users, now.
So, I don't know the core detail of UNIX system.
I praise that as GOOD and tear that down for BAD. ;p]
快適な GUI 環境を UNIX に提供した事.
[One of GOOD features is the hardware-accelarated GUI
give for UNIX environment.]
[One of BAD features is someof its hardware spec are closed.]
今回は,GUI の透過処理比較として,
同一の PowerBook G4 12" のスクリーンショットを載せておく.
[I think, ONLY text blog is TOO dull.
Now, I picked up GUI transparent screenshot
on same PowerBook G4 12" Gentoo Linux side
and Mac OS X side.]
Gentoo Linux on PowerBook G4 12"
Mac OS X on PowerBook G4 12"
うーむ,Armadillo9 に DirectFB を移植するとか無謀かな? :(
[Umm, to port DirectFB for Armadillo9 is impossible? :(]
Mac OS X の方の設定やらアプリケーションやら弄ってみた.
*BSDな方達にはすこぶる評判の良い Mac OS X であるが,
Linux Newbie な人間には馴染むのか弄くり回してみたと言う訳である.
[Heretofore, I liv'in Gentoo Linux on PowerBoook G4 12".
Barely, I try to liv'in Mac OS X on same PowerBook G4 12".
Mostly *BSD users said that "Mac OS X is GOOD!",
So, I try to liv'in Mac OS X as Linux Newbie.]
色々な所にUNIXな風味が漂う Mac OS X である.
[On the first sight,
The GUI NOT ONLY stand out in Mac OS X,
BUT ALSO I feel UNIX flavor on some parts of its.
It is JUST intersting for me to liv'in this environment.]
Mac OS Xを褒めてどうする?」
Gentoo は Linux ではなくメタディトリビューションと言う
Gentoo/OSX もインストールしたし. :p
[Perhaps, I'll hear that anyone said,
"Hey, Aren't you Gentoolist?"
Nah, Gentoo is NOT ONLY Linux.
Again, Gentoo is meta-distribution.
I have installed Gentoo/OSX in it. ;p]
熟成された堅牢な UNIX コアに,
先進的な GUI を付加する事で,
Windows ユーザーから UNIX ユーザーまで引き込むとは,
[I have very surprise,
The modern GUI built on robust UNIX system
atrracts NOT ONLY Windows users BUT ALSO UNIX users.]
私は Linux でも *BSD でも駆け出しの Newbie でしかないし,
一つ褒めて,一つ貶す事にしよう ;p
I'm JUST Newbie as UNIX user, JUST one of end-users, now.
So, I don't know the core detail of UNIX system.
I praise that as GOOD and tear that down for BAD. ;p]
快適な GUI 環境を UNIX に提供した事.
[One of GOOD features is the hardware-accelarated GUI
give for UNIX environment.]
[One of BAD features is someof its hardware spec are closed.]
今回は,GUI の透過処理比較として,
同一の PowerBook G4 12" のスクリーンショットを載せておく.
[I think, ONLY text blog is TOO dull.
Now, I picked up GUI transparent screenshot
on same PowerBook G4 12" Gentoo Linux side
and Mac OS X side.]
Gentoo Linux on PowerBook G4 12"
Mac OS X on PowerBook G4 12"
うーむ,Armadillo9 に DirectFB を移植するとか無謀かな? :(
[Umm, to port DirectFB for Armadillo9 is impossible? :(]
Insight, Microwindows and Link!
[I apologise to you for to SABOTAGE blogging.
O.K. I DO something.]
Tcl ベースの GNU gdb GUIフロントエンドを試した.
やっぱり GNU gdb の man ページを読まない事には,
使いこなせないね. ;p
[I have tried Insight which is GNU gdb GUI front-end.
I haven't nerver coding to need frequently to use debugger.
So, this trying is JUST trying,
I SHOULD read man-pages of gdb for mastering debugging. ;p]
Microsoft 社の OS では無い.
Qt/Embedded 並の移植性の高さが特徴の GUI 環境.
取り敢えず,Tux Chess で遊ぶが AI にボロ負けする. :<
[It is NOT Microsoft's OS.
This is graphical windowing environments,
it have high-portability as much as Qt/Embedded.
Its name means compact for smaller devices and platforms.
Meanwhile, I play TuxChess on it.
But I'm loseinig all games straight. :<]
The Internet に個人的な事を書いている割には,
国内外問わず,定番からアレゲまで. ;)
[Althogh I blogging, TOO few Link.
I added to some link list.
The entries from both domestic and overseas,
both standard and biased. ;)]
[I apologise to you for to SABOTAGE blogging.
O.K. I DO something.]
Tcl ベースの GNU gdb GUIフロントエンドを試した.
やっぱり GNU gdb の man ページを読まない事には,
使いこなせないね. ;p
[I have tried Insight which is GNU gdb GUI front-end.
I haven't nerver coding to need frequently to use debugger.
So, this trying is JUST trying,
I SHOULD read man-pages of gdb for mastering debugging. ;p]
Microsoft 社の OS では無い.
Qt/Embedded 並の移植性の高さが特徴の GUI 環境.
取り敢えず,Tux Chess で遊ぶが AI にボロ負けする. :<
[It is NOT Microsoft's OS.
This is graphical windowing environments,
it have high-portability as much as Qt/Embedded.
Its name means compact for smaller devices and platforms.
Meanwhile, I play TuxChess on it.
But I'm loseinig all games straight. :<]
The Internet に個人的な事を書いている割には,
国内外問わず,定番からアレゲまで. ;)
[Althogh I blogging, TOO few Link.
I added to some link list.
The entries from both domestic and overseas,
both standard and biased. ;)]
I haven't heard my former teacher for a long time.
[It's been a long time,
I had a tel from my former teacher.
We talk about etc, lengthy.
It's ease because it's NO new,
but too NO new is one of my anxieties.]
その方が色々含みが有ってソレっぽいからね. ;)
[I owe him a lot, I think.
Discribing a detailed is lengthy, too.
So, I shouldn't do;
after all, it's so good nostalgic. ;)]
[The College of Technology is better than the stupid place for me,
because it allow to me to do anything, NO forbid anymore.
I wish I ware a student of the College of Technology, now.]
"For I am live, I should keep on changing."]
そんなこんなで話を濁しておこうかな. :p
[So, so... Prevaricating is the best way, I think. :p]
[It's been a long time,
I had a tel from my former teacher.
We talk about etc, lengthy.
It's ease because it's NO new,
but too NO new is one of my anxieties.]
その方が色々含みが有ってソレっぽいからね. ;)
[I owe him a lot, I think.
Discribing a detailed is lengthy, too.
So, I shouldn't do;
after all, it's so good nostalgic. ;)]
[The College of Technology is better than the stupid place for me,
because it allow to me to do anything, NO forbid anymore.
I wish I ware a student of the College of Technology, now.]
"For I am live, I should keep on changing."]
そんなこんなで話を濁しておこうかな. :p
[So, so... Prevaricating is the best way, I think. :p]
My HDD of Rephase CRASH?
Athlon Thunderbird 1.2GHz なデスクトップマシン Rephase に
[Rephase is my Desktop PC, it run Athlon Thunderbird 1.2GHz.
Its HDD was might have problem.]
少々前から dmesg に不吉なメッセージが残っていたので,
fsck しつつ騙し騙し使っていたが,
以前からストックしていた新しい HDD に換装,
ヤバい方の HDD は「不幸デバイス」と明記して封印.
[Before, dmesg of rephase have some ill sentences.
So, I fix by using fsck again and again.
But it is a time, I salvage my data from its HDD,
and exchanging it for new HDD which is prepared.
The old HDD is sealed down with "This HDD will take you misfortune".]
うーん,Portage でコンパイルし過ぎたかな? :p
[Umm, It was TOO compile by using Portage? :p]
Happy Hacking Keyboard Lite2 と Logitech V500 Cordless を購入.
[For good time to me,
I get new keyboard and mice.
These are Happy Hacking Keyboard Lite2 and Logitech V500 Cordless.
My feeling of using that is discribe below...]
1.Happy Hacking Keyboard Lite2
今まで使っていたキーボードが全部 jp106 配列なので,
us 配列に慣れるまでタイピングが鈍くなりそう.
でも,周りの人にはガタガタとタイプの音が五月蝿いかも. :p
[On one hand,
the layout of my keyboards is only jp106,
except this new keyboard.
So, I'm NOT used to us layout,
it need to avoid typo-ing carefully.
On the other hand,
It have hard reaction to typing.
I'm in the habit of typing the key strongly,
its reaction is better for me.
But, for neighbor, its typing sound probably noisy. :p]
2.Logitech V500 Cordless
コードレス USB な上に,
もうちょっと xorg.conf を弄らないとダメみたい. :p
[It is cordless, USB connect and 4-way scroll mice.
I thought the fear of it NOT work,
but it was NO problem.
Only modify the moving speed, it work.
But 4-way scroll is NOT work fine,
it work only vertical scroll.
It maybe need to more HACK in xorg.conf. :p]
WebESup のベータスクリプトは,
dialog を使ってインターフェースを改良中.
Linux Kernel のコンフィグ画面みたいになりそう.
それより,早く Python に移植しないとなー. :p
[WebESup beta script is improving by using dialog application for interface.
It will be looks like the screen of when configure Linux Kernel.
But it is NOT necessarily to improve for interface.
I SHOULD port it to using Python. :p]
[Rephase is my Desktop PC, it run Athlon Thunderbird 1.2GHz.
Its HDD was might have problem.]
少々前から dmesg に不吉なメッセージが残っていたので,
fsck しつつ騙し騙し使っていたが,
以前からストックしていた新しい HDD に換装,
ヤバい方の HDD は「不幸デバイス」と明記して封印.
[Before, dmesg of rephase have some ill sentences.
So, I fix by using fsck again and again.
But it is a time, I salvage my data from its HDD,
and exchanging it for new HDD which is prepared.
The old HDD is sealed down with "This HDD will take you misfortune".]
うーん,Portage でコンパイルし過ぎたかな? :p
[Umm, It was TOO compile by using Portage? :p]
Happy Hacking Keyboard Lite2 と Logitech V500 Cordless を購入.
[For good time to me,
I get new keyboard and mice.
These are Happy Hacking Keyboard Lite2 and Logitech V500 Cordless.
My feeling of using that is discribe below...]
1.Happy Hacking Keyboard Lite2
今まで使っていたキーボードが全部 jp106 配列なので,
us 配列に慣れるまでタイピングが鈍くなりそう.
でも,周りの人にはガタガタとタイプの音が五月蝿いかも. :p
[On one hand,
the layout of my keyboards is only jp106,
except this new keyboard.
So, I'm NOT used to us layout,
it need to avoid typo-ing carefully.
On the other hand,
It have hard reaction to typing.
I'm in the habit of typing the key strongly,
its reaction is better for me.
But, for neighbor, its typing sound probably noisy. :p]
2.Logitech V500 Cordless
コードレス USB な上に,
もうちょっと xorg.conf を弄らないとダメみたい. :p
[It is cordless, USB connect and 4-way scroll mice.
I thought the fear of it NOT work,
but it was NO problem.
Only modify the moving speed, it work.
But 4-way scroll is NOT work fine,
it work only vertical scroll.
It maybe need to more HACK in xorg.conf. :p]
WebESup のベータスクリプトは,
dialog を使ってインターフェースを改良中.
Linux Kernel のコンフィグ画面みたいになりそう.
それより,早く Python に移植しないとなー. :p
[WebESup beta script is improving by using dialog application for interface.
It will be looks like the screen of when configure Linux Kernel.
But it is NOT necessarily to improve for interface.
I SHOULD port it to using Python. :p]
Apple PowerBook 12"
Apple PowerBook 12" を衝動買いしていた事を書いていなかった.
丁度良いので誕生日プレゼントと言う事にしておこうかな. ;)
[The other day, I bought Apple PowerBook 12".
For to account it by my savings, my mother ring me;
"What do you use its money?"
At a good time, September 22nd is my birthday,
it must be my birthday present. ;)]
買ったその日に HDD のパーティションを切り分け,
何故か二日程夜を徹して Gentoo Linux を stage1 からインストール.
更に,Mac OS X とのデュアルブート化を施した.
x86 以外では alpha と sparc しかモニョモニョした経験が無いので,
[On the day, partitioning HDD.
For no special reason, install Gentoo Linux from stage1 for two days.
In addition, enabled dual booting with Mac OS X.
Maybe, I delay in installing process,
because I haven't touch non-x86 architechture without alpha and sparc.]
[The Summary is discribed below...]
1. パーティショニングは二段階.
[1. The partitioning process is two step.]
Mac OS X のインストール DVD のディスクユーティリティで二分割,
何れかのパーティションに Mac OS X をそのままインストール.
Gentoo Linux の Live CD から mac-fdisk で残りのパーティションを
更に swap と / に分割する.
Mac OS X 側では ext2 がマウント出来るアプリケーションが有る.
Linux 側では,Kernel の関係で Reiserfs は非推奨.
Mac OS X が Mac OS 9 のアプリケーションの互換性を維持しつつ,
/etc/yaboot.conf の適当な箇所には brokenosx のオプションが必要.
[First, split whole HDD into two partition by using disk utility
in Mac OS X install DVD, install Mac OS X to one.
Next, split another partition into swap partition and / partition.
Partition table and boootstarp partition are shared.
Mac OS X can mount ext2 by using an application.
For to the Linux kernel problem, using Reiserfs is NOT recommend.
/etc/yaboot.conf require brokenosx option on Mac OS X boot section,
because compatibility for some applications of Mac OS 9
and Mac OS X install to only a partition.]
2. Gentoo Linux のインストールは HandBook を辿ればほぼ完璧.
[2. Reference to Installing Gentoo Linux process by HandBook is OK.]
USE フラグに altivec を入れると幸せになれるかもしれない.
[If including altivec in USE flags, you will be blessed.]
3. ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Japan /etc/localtime だけでは時刻がズレる.
[3. If only ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Japan /etc/localtime,
hardware clock will be shifted.]
/etc/conf.d/clock 内で CLOCK="UTC" とすべし.
Mac OS X 側のハードウェアクロックへの時刻同期が関係してそう.
[Edit CLOCK="UTC in "/etc/conf.d/clock.
This problem may be related to syncronize clock in Mac OS X.]
4. Kernel の設定は Live CD の /proc/config.gz から作ると簡単.
[4. The easy way to configure kernel is to make from LiveCD's /proc/config.gz.]
ppc の preemption enabled な Kernel は不安定になる為,除外.
SMP やサイズ優先の最適化も除外しておくと,
[Now, preemptive kernel for ppc is unstable.
To disable SMP and size optimization improve performance, maybe.]
Apple * support とか PowerBook support とかの類いが有れば,
取り敢えず有効にして dmesg や /var/log/message とかの様子を見よう.
[For the present, enable Apple * support or PowerBook support etc.
And check dmesg and /var/log/message after rerbooting.]
PowerBook 12" モデルは珍しく nVidia のチップセットを積んでいるから,
その辺りも考慮して ATI を除外しつつ,
nVidia を有効にしないと幸せになれない.
[Singular, so PowerBook 12" have nVidia chipset,
to disable ATI options and to enable nVidia option are IMPORTANT. ]
Kernel Traffic のこの辺りを参考に適当にムニャムニャして,
emerge x11-misc/synaptics をやらないとタッチパッドが動かない.
[If NO patching kernel by reference to this post in Kernel Traffic
or NO emerge x11-misc/synaptics, touchpad will NOT work.]
USB 関係の dmesg 中の error が気になる人や bluetooth な人は,
[If you have sensitive some error in dmesg or bluetooth user,
check this post.]
CPU freq と付随するオプションを有効にしておくと,
後述の cpudynd の恩恵を受けられる.
[If enabling CPU freq and its related options,
you are blessed by cpudynd as below.]
[My feeling is discribed below...]
1. X の描画が厳しい.
[1. X can NOT enable hardware acceleration.]
同じハードウェアで Mac OS X を動かしているから良く分かる.
x86 なら殆どのベンダのハードウェアアクセラレーションが入手出来るが,
[Exactly, I feel the difference of the performance
because running Mac OS X on same hardware.
Especially, when resizing window or moving it.
Now, x86 architechture can enable hardware acceleration
for many vender's hardware,
but ppc or so can not enable it.
We must improve this point.]
2. タッチパッドの動きが怪しい.
[2. Touchpad driver have fuzz problems.]
パッチの README 等に書いてある様に温度変化に敏感らしい.
[The driver's README file said touchpad's sensor sensitive to tempereture.
So, require to tune by users or improve driver's by developpers.]
3. 意外にノート PC 用のアプリケーションが有る.
[3. Interesting to me, many laptop's application is developped.]
例えば,Mac OS X ライクなショートカットキーが効くGTKPBButonsd,
バッテリーとかの面倒を見てくれる PowerPrefs,
負荷に応じたCPUクロックの調整をしてくれる cpudyn が良い感じ.
PowerBook に限らず,Portage の app-laptop 以下を見ると,
ThinkPad とか結構有名所のノート PC 用アプリケーションも在るみたい.
[For example,
GTKPBButtonsd enable to shortcut keys like Mac OS X,
PowerPrefs offer to power supply services or so,
cpudyn control CPU freqency for the load.
Not only PowerBook,
Portage's app-laptop include some application of ThinkPad or so.]
4. AirMac Extreme は未だ動かない.
[4. AirMac Extreme NOT work.]
使用している Broadcom BCM4301 と言うチップセットの
[Because AirMac Extreme system use Broadcom BCM4301 chipset,
and this chipset's spec information is closed.
On the drivers development page,
developpers make petition now.]
「モバイルな Linux って素晴らしい」と言う事で. :)
[Now It have some improvements,
But "Mobile Linux is excited me." :)]
ここでそう書いて仕舞えば,サボれないハズだから. ;p
[From the tomorrow,
I will report here about working the research for to graduate.
If I swear in, I can not truant it. ;p]
Apple PowerBook 12" を衝動買いしていた事を書いていなかった.
丁度良いので誕生日プレゼントと言う事にしておこうかな. ;)
[The other day, I bought Apple PowerBook 12".
For to account it by my savings, my mother ring me;
"What do you use its money?"
At a good time, September 22nd is my birthday,
it must be my birthday present. ;)]
買ったその日に HDD のパーティションを切り分け,
何故か二日程夜を徹して Gentoo Linux を stage1 からインストール.
更に,Mac OS X とのデュアルブート化を施した.
x86 以外では alpha と sparc しかモニョモニョした経験が無いので,
[On the day, partitioning HDD.
For no special reason, install Gentoo Linux from stage1 for two days.
In addition, enabled dual booting with Mac OS X.
Maybe, I delay in installing process,
because I haven't touch non-x86 architechture without alpha and sparc.]
[The Summary is discribed below...]
1. パーティショニングは二段階.
[1. The partitioning process is two step.]
Mac OS X のインストール DVD のディスクユーティリティで二分割,
何れかのパーティションに Mac OS X をそのままインストール.
Gentoo Linux の Live CD から mac-fdisk で残りのパーティションを
更に swap と / に分割する.
Mac OS X 側では ext2 がマウント出来るアプリケーションが有る.
Linux 側では,Kernel の関係で Reiserfs は非推奨.
Mac OS X が Mac OS 9 のアプリケーションの互換性を維持しつつ,
/etc/yaboot.conf の適当な箇所には brokenosx のオプションが必要.
[First, split whole HDD into two partition by using disk utility
in Mac OS X install DVD, install Mac OS X to one.
Next, split another partition into swap partition and / partition.
Partition table and boootstarp partition are shared.
Mac OS X can mount ext2 by using an application.
For to the Linux kernel problem, using Reiserfs is NOT recommend.
/etc/yaboot.conf require brokenosx option on Mac OS X boot section,
because compatibility for some applications of Mac OS 9
and Mac OS X install to only a partition.]
2. Gentoo Linux のインストールは HandBook を辿ればほぼ完璧.
[2. Reference to Installing Gentoo Linux process by HandBook is OK.]
USE フラグに altivec を入れると幸せになれるかもしれない.
[If including altivec in USE flags, you will be blessed.]
3. ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Japan /etc/localtime だけでは時刻がズレる.
[3. If only ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Japan /etc/localtime,
hardware clock will be shifted.]
/etc/conf.d/clock 内で CLOCK="UTC" とすべし.
Mac OS X 側のハードウェアクロックへの時刻同期が関係してそう.
[Edit CLOCK="UTC in "/etc/conf.d/clock.
This problem may be related to syncronize clock in Mac OS X.]
4. Kernel の設定は Live CD の /proc/config.gz から作ると簡単.
[4. The easy way to configure kernel is to make from LiveCD's /proc/config.gz.]
ppc の preemption enabled な Kernel は不安定になる為,除外.
SMP やサイズ優先の最適化も除外しておくと,
[Now, preemptive kernel for ppc is unstable.
To disable SMP and size optimization improve performance, maybe.]
Apple * support とか PowerBook support とかの類いが有れば,
取り敢えず有効にして dmesg や /var/log/message とかの様子を見よう.
[For the present, enable Apple * support or PowerBook support etc.
And check dmesg and /var/log/message after rerbooting.]
PowerBook 12" モデルは珍しく nVidia のチップセットを積んでいるから,
その辺りも考慮して ATI を除外しつつ,
nVidia を有効にしないと幸せになれない.
[Singular, so PowerBook 12" have nVidia chipset,
to disable ATI options and to enable nVidia option are IMPORTANT. ]
Kernel Traffic のこの辺りを参考に適当にムニャムニャして,
emerge x11-misc/synaptics をやらないとタッチパッドが動かない.
[If NO patching kernel by reference to this post in Kernel Traffic
or NO emerge x11-misc/synaptics, touchpad will NOT work.]
USB 関係の dmesg 中の error が気になる人や bluetooth な人は,
[If you have sensitive some error in dmesg or bluetooth user,
check this post.]
CPU freq と付随するオプションを有効にしておくと,
後述の cpudynd の恩恵を受けられる.
[If enabling CPU freq and its related options,
you are blessed by cpudynd as below.]
[My feeling is discribed below...]
1. X の描画が厳しい.
[1. X can NOT enable hardware acceleration.]
同じハードウェアで Mac OS X を動かしているから良く分かる.
x86 なら殆どのベンダのハードウェアアクセラレーションが入手出来るが,
[Exactly, I feel the difference of the performance
because running Mac OS X on same hardware.
Especially, when resizing window or moving it.
Now, x86 architechture can enable hardware acceleration
for many vender's hardware,
but ppc or so can not enable it.
We must improve this point.]
2. タッチパッドの動きが怪しい.
[2. Touchpad driver have fuzz problems.]
パッチの README 等に書いてある様に温度変化に敏感らしい.
[The driver's README file said touchpad's sensor sensitive to tempereture.
So, require to tune by users or improve driver's by developpers.]
3. 意外にノート PC 用のアプリケーションが有る.
[3. Interesting to me, many laptop's application is developped.]
例えば,Mac OS X ライクなショートカットキーが効くGTKPBButonsd,
バッテリーとかの面倒を見てくれる PowerPrefs,
負荷に応じたCPUクロックの調整をしてくれる cpudyn が良い感じ.
PowerBook に限らず,Portage の app-laptop 以下を見ると,
ThinkPad とか結構有名所のノート PC 用アプリケーションも在るみたい.
[For example,
GTKPBButtonsd enable to shortcut keys like Mac OS X,
PowerPrefs offer to power supply services or so,
cpudyn control CPU freqency for the load.
Not only PowerBook,
Portage's app-laptop include some application of ThinkPad or so.]
4. AirMac Extreme は未だ動かない.
[4. AirMac Extreme NOT work.]
使用している Broadcom BCM4301 と言うチップセットの
[Because AirMac Extreme system use Broadcom BCM4301 chipset,
and this chipset's spec information is closed.
On the drivers development page,
developpers make petition now.]
「モバイルな Linux って素晴らしい」と言う事で. :)
[Now It have some improvements,
But "Mobile Linux is excited me." :)]
ここでそう書いて仕舞えば,サボれないハズだから. ;p
[From the tomorrow,
I will report here about working the research for to graduate.
If I swear in, I can not truant it. ;p]
OSC 2005 Fall
OSC 2005 Fall の為に,大久保まで出かけてみた.
[For OSC 2005 Fall, I go to Ohkubo.]
[I was visiting many OSS booth from the morning.
I met the many LOL scene.]
[For example,]
・セミナー会場の Network の調子が悪かったり,
(DNS は通るが,外に出られなかったらしい.)
[The nwtwork of the seminar place troubled,
(DNS responce is OK, but default gateway NOT work fine.)]
・PostgreSQL のブースで話を聞いている途中に,看板が落ちたり,
[On PostgreSQL booth, when the presentation, the plate fell off,
(Its ADMINs had a little panic.)]
・SLAX-ja の Boot from USB disk が失敗したり,
(dmesg やら Xorg.0.log を見て error を荒探しした.)
[SLAX-ja booting from USB disk was failed,
(We worked hard for to find some error in dmesg and Xorg.0.log.)]
・Gentoo Linux stage3 install で,やはり passwd 変更を忘れたり,
(綺麗にラベルされたインストール CD を貰った.)
[When Gentoo Linux stage3 install event, I forgot to change passwd,
(I got new install CD which was NICE design.)]
・ライトニングトークの UDA は OSS じゃなかったり,
[When lightning talk, UDA is NO OSS,
(But UDA was taken photo by many people,
and we talk about it too on the party after lightning talk.)]
・OSASK の某氏が学校をサボって北海道から来ていたり,
[Someone of OSASK developer came from Hokkai-Do, he was escaped his school,
(He is surely young HACKer, I think.)]
・兵庫県のネットワークスペシャリストな高校の先生や mono な人とかと話したり,
[I met a highschool's teacher a network specialist from Hyogo,
a man work with mono, etc.
(Nice fight to come from far place.)]
[When the party after lightning talk,
JANKEN game and short presentation for to get some lefted sample books.
(ROMP and FUSS, I got a loot.)]
[The next OSC open at Okinawa and Kansai.]
流石に遠くて足が届かないから,春までヒキコモる. :p
[Too far from me, I will be winter sleep. :p]
[O.K. Let's DEV with ROMP and FUSS!]
[For OSC 2005 Fall, I go to Ohkubo.]
[I was visiting many OSS booth from the morning.
I met the many LOL scene.]
[For example,]
・セミナー会場の Network の調子が悪かったり,
(DNS は通るが,外に出られなかったらしい.)
[The nwtwork of the seminar place troubled,
(DNS responce is OK, but default gateway NOT work fine.)]
・PostgreSQL のブースで話を聞いている途中に,看板が落ちたり,
[On PostgreSQL booth, when the presentation, the plate fell off,
(Its ADMINs had a little panic.)]
・SLAX-ja の Boot from USB disk が失敗したり,
(dmesg やら Xorg.0.log を見て error を荒探しした.)
[SLAX-ja booting from USB disk was failed,
(We worked hard for to find some error in dmesg and Xorg.0.log.)]
・Gentoo Linux stage3 install で,やはり passwd 変更を忘れたり,
(綺麗にラベルされたインストール CD を貰った.)
[When Gentoo Linux stage3 install event, I forgot to change passwd,
(I got new install CD which was NICE design.)]
・ライトニングトークの UDA は OSS じゃなかったり,
[When lightning talk, UDA is NO OSS,
(But UDA was taken photo by many people,
and we talk about it too on the party after lightning talk.)]
・OSASK の某氏が学校をサボって北海道から来ていたり,
[Someone of OSASK developer came from Hokkai-Do, he was escaped his school,
(He is surely young HACKer, I think.)]
・兵庫県のネットワークスペシャリストな高校の先生や mono な人とかと話したり,
[I met a highschool's teacher a network specialist from Hyogo,
a man work with mono, etc.
(Nice fight to come from far place.)]
[When the party after lightning talk,
JANKEN game and short presentation for to get some lefted sample books.
(ROMP and FUSS, I got a loot.)]
[The next OSC open at Okinawa and Kansai.]
流石に遠くて足が届かないから,春までヒキコモる. :p
[Too far from me, I will be winter sleep. :p]
[O.K. Let's DEV with ROMP and FUSS!]
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