TeXででっちあげてみた. :P
[Using TeX, here's a sample of handout for OSC2006-fall
from about.xml. :P
It looks like just A4 sized.]

Makefile | 83 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
include/chromatic_func.h | 2 -
include/graph_func.h | 2 +
include/graphpol_func.h | 2 -
src/chromatic_func.c | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++------------
src/chromatic_main.c | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------
src/graph_func.c | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
src/graphpol_func.c | 13 +++----
src/list_func.c | 45 ++++++-------------------
src/planar_func.c | 69 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
src/planar_main.c | 37 +++++++++++---------
11 files changed, 302 insertions(+), 137 deletions(-)
# Build options
#OPT_CFLAGS += -mcpu=G4 -mtune=G4 -maltivec -mabi=altivec
#F_CFLAGS += -funroll-all-loops -ftree-vectorize -ftracer -fweb
#F_CFLAGS += -fstack-protector -fstack-protector-all
#F_CFLAGS += -fmudflap
F_CFLAGS += -fomit-frame-pointer
W_CFLAGS = -Wall -Werror
#G_CFLAGS = -g
#G_CFLAGS = -pg -g -ggdb3
#AN_LDFLAGS = -Wl,-O3,--as-needed
INCs = -I./include
DEFs += -DDRAW=1
LIBs = -lc
#LIBs = -lmudflap -lc
include/graph_func.h | 10 -昨日に続いて,殆どrewriteに近い事をやっているので8行しか増えてない.
include/graphpol_func.h | 18 +-
include/list_func.h | 26 +--
src/chromatic_algosC.c | 4
src/chromatic_func.c | 28 ++-
src/chromatic_main.c | 27 ++-
src/graph_func.c | 193 ++++++++++++-------------
src/graphpol_func.c | 215 ++++++++++++----------------
src/list_func.c | 360 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
src/planar_func.c | 104 ++++++++-----
src/planar_main.c | 31 ++--
11 files changed, 512 insertions(+), 504 deletions(-)
9/26 22:58:08 hiyuhで,x11-apps/slimを1.2.6にして,
iSteve: still alive?
9/26 23:02:17 hiyuh
iSteve: jsut curious, why BITS_PER_LONG was
re-defined? http://rafb.net/paste/results/gerSBr30.html
9/27 00:31:01 iSteve
hiyuh: sorry, took short map
9/27 00:31:39 iSteve
hiyuh: interesting; in my kernel headers, and those I use for testing
of 2.4, bits_per_long is defined in /usr/include/asm-[arch]/types.h,
and only if __KERNEL__ is set
9/27 00:31:44 iSteve
^ s/map/nap/
9/27 00:32:30 iSteve
hiyuh: I'll ifndef it then
9/27 00:32:45 iSteve
hiyuh: may I ask what version the kernel headers used are?
9/27 00:33:52 hiyuh
iSteve: I use sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.6.16 on Gentoo/PPC.
9/27 00:34:38 iSteve
ah, that could be it, I didn't test it at all on non-x86
architectures; I only tested whether the input is the same as on x86
(tried amd64 and sparc)
9/27 00:36:04 iSteve
fixed in SVN
9/27 00:36:17 hiyuh
iSteve: thanks :)
9/27 00:36:27 iSteve
I thank you:)
Makefile | 8
include/chromatic_func.h | 2
include/graph_func.h | 59 +++---
include/graphpol_func.h | 47 ++--
include/list_func.h | 48 +++--
include/planar_func.h | 6
src/chromatic_algosC.c | 16 -
src/chromatic_func.c | 20 +-
src/chromatic_main.c | 51 +++--
src/graph_func.c | 449 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
src/graphpol_func.c | 52 ++---
src/list_func.c | 71 +++----
src/planar_func.c | 151 ++++++++-------
src/planar_main.c | 29 +--
14 files changed, 527 insertions(+), 482 deletions(-)
9/26 19:19:55 iSteveで,さっそく弄ってみた.
9/26 19:20:16 iSteve
although neither busybox nor uclibc, this might be interesting for
some of you: http://isteve.depressant.org/hotplug2/
9/26 19:34:41 hiyuh_work
nice :)
9/26 19:45:39 iSteve
hiyuh_work: thanks, I'm hoping it won't end up as one-user
9/26 19:47:34 hiyuh_work
iSteve: lol
9/26 21:04:59 iSteve
well the risk is high:)
-rwxr-xr-x 1 hiyuh users 22K 2006-09-26 23:06 hotplug2うむ,なかなかイイ. :P
-rwxr-xr-x 1 hiyuh users 12K 2006-09-26 23:06 hotplug2-dnode
9/25 20:04:33 MooZ
9/25 20:06:45 hiyuh_work
MooZ: heh, is it your paper? :9
9/25 20:12:07 MooZ
9/25 20:12:29 MooZ
but i found it's a cool one
9/25 20:14:21 MooZ
maybe it can be used to compress rgbe and other hdri
9/14 20:12:15 kollaついにモノリシックなXに粛正が! :P
Hm... I get "WARNING: usage of RSYNC_EXCLUDEFROM is deprecated,
use PORTAGE_RSYNC_EXTRA_OPTS instead" when I sync, but I cant find
9/14 20:15:00 kolla
google helps though
9/14 20:21:56 *
hiyuh_work cann't understand why on the earth didn't read the fine
9/14 20:33:17 kolla
I'm not from this planet :)
9/14 20:35:55 hiyuh_work
then, that's OK. :P
9/14 20:36:20 *
theBear comes from planet Australia.. things are different there
9/14 20:54:59 kolla
9/13 22:45:00 jeeves教訓: 変なCFLAGSを使わない事.
[New Bug] https://bugs.gentoo.org/147451 nor, P2, x86,
duncan-bugs@dwebb.ch-bug-wranglers@gentoo.org, NEW, pending, glibc
all recent versions: can't find a register in class `BREG' while
reloading `asm'
9/13 22:45:17 DrEeevil
hardened I guess?
9/13 22:45:23 jakub
9/13 22:45:48 jakub
9/13 22:45:55 jakub
we don't care, upgrade first
9/13 22:46:53 DrEeevil
argh :-)
9/13 22:48:07 hiyuh_work
ah, thank gods... -ffast-math + -fPIC...
9/13 22:48:23 jakub
ugh, didn't notice that
9/13 22:48:32 DrEeevil
9/13 22:48:39 DrEeevil
is that a contest? most bugs per line?
9/13 22:48:59 hiyuh_work
nice, very nice trying...
9/13 22:49:12 jakub
probably -fPIC to blame
9/13 22:49:19 jakub
anyway, don't care about 3.3 stuff
9/13 22:49:28 hiyuh_work
9/12 19:38:01 jakub
!rdep xfractint
9/12 19:38:01 jeeves
no reverse rdepends info for xfractint
9/12 19:38:14 DrEeevil
leave that alone ;-)
9/12 19:38:23 DrEeevil
(but it rarely worked well)
9/12 20:26:10 Opfer
jakub: ping
9/12 20:26:23 Opfer
jakub: still need help on bug 147158
9/12 20:26:24 jeeves
Opfer: https://bugs.gentoo.org/147158 maj, P2, x86,
mrsteven@gmx.de-spock@gentoo.org, NEW, pending,
=x11-misc/xfractint-20.4.00 doesn't compile
9/12 20:26:27 Opfer
9/12 20:27:43 jakub
Opfer: well, if you have ppc? :)
9/12 20:27:53 jakub
or sparc
9/12 20:27:59 jakub
amd64 - not reproducable
9/12 20:28:13 Opfer
You cced x86, so I thought you need additional testing
9/12 20:28:20 Opfer
I can reproduce it.
9/12 20:28:37 jakub
Opfer: well... yeah, I CCed x86 b/c it looks like a weird x86-specific
issue :)
9/12 20:28:45 Opfer
9/12 20:28:50 jakub
the other one as well non-reproducable on amd64, starts normally
9/12 20:29:50 Opfer
.03 seems to emerge fine though
9/12 20:29:56 jakub
yeah, but doesn't run
9/12 20:30:07 Opfer
Oh yes, the other bug
9/12 20:30:22 jakub
and, weirdly enough, it runs on amd64 just fine
9/12 20:30:47 jakub
doesn't make much sense to me
9/12 20:31:02 Opfer
Did you nag the other arches?
9/12 20:33:37 jakub
Opfer: well, just managed to get some amd64 folk so far :)
9/12 20:33:42 hiyuh_work
hmm, it needs to test on ppc?
9/12 20:33:54 jakub
if you can, yes please
9/12 20:34:22 hiyuh_work
k, I'll try :)
9/12 20:34:33 jakub
emerge =x11-misc/xfractint-20.4.00 and see if it bombs out on segfault
right at start of compile
9/12 20:34:45 jakub
and then the latest ~arch and test if you can run it
9/12 20:35:11 Opfer
jakub: Reproducable, but ni idea how to avoid it...
9/12 20:35:24 jakub
hiyuh_work: mind that you need to re-login or run env-update &&
source /etc/profile for the second one
9/12 20:36:13 jakub
hiyuh_work: i.e., be some you have FRACTDIR=/usr/share/xfractint
variable set
9/12 20:36:25 jakub
Opfer: yeah, NFC really
9/12 20:36:32 zlin
happens to me too
9/12 20:36:51 jakub
Opfer: I looks at the patches, and there's nothing that strikes me
as apparently related
9/12 20:36:54 Opfer
jakub: There is a .04
9/12 20:36:56 jakub
9/12 20:36:59 jakub
9/12 20:37:03 Opfer
9/12 20:37:27 jakub
hmmm, worth a shot
9/12 20:41:44 hiyuh_work
jakub: on my ~ppc env, emerge =x11-misc/xfractint-20.4.00 is fine.
9/12 20:41:49 hiyuh_work
and it just works (I did FRACTDIR=/usr/share/xfactint
/usr/bin/xfractint), it can shows me a fractal graphic.
9/12 20:42:10 jakub
9/12 20:42:22 jakub
hiyuh_work: please, can you note that on the bug? :)
9/12 20:42:50 jakub
(or, better on both bugs)
9/12 20:43:05 hiyuh_work
well, to reproduse it requires ricer cflags? :P
9/12 20:43:34 hiyuh_work
I'm using -Os + altivec flags, atm.
9/12 20:44:33 jakub
uhm? I thought it worked just fine for you
9/12 20:44:41 jakub
or, you can reproduce it as well?
9/12 20:46:51 hiyuh_work
nope, it works here. I cann't reproduce the segfault w/ 29.4.00.
9/12 20:47:07 hiyuh_work
9/12 20:47:24 jakub
oh ok... then just note that it works fine on ppc :)
9/12 20:50:26 hiyuh_work
uhm, but it has ton of strict-aliasing warnings, *ugly*.
9/12 20:50:31 hiyuh_work
if it was emerged w/ ricer flags, some runtime segfaults could be,
I guess.
9/12 20:50:57 hiyuh_work
but yes, it's unrelated that bug.
9/12 20:55:01 hiyuh_work
jakub: so, note it on bug 147158, or?
9/12 20:55:02 jeeves
hiyuh_work: https://bugs.gentoo.org/147158 maj, P2,
x86, mrsteven@gmx.de-spock@gentoo.org, NEW, pending,
=x11-misc/xfractint-20.4.00 doesn't compile
9/12 20:55:10 jakub
9/12 20:55:13 hiyuh_work
9/12 20:56:18 jakub
Opfer: ok, updated the patch and trying .04 now
9/12 20:57:05 jakub
Opfer: ugh
9/12 20:57:14 jakub
bombs out in a horrible way
9/12 20:57:35 jakub
looks like completely broken includes
9/12 21:00:02 jakub
oh wonderful, they are all commented out and assumed later on
9/12 21:02:13 hiyuh_work
jakub: aww, xfractint-20.4.00 has runtime segfaults. It BOOMed when
I commented on that bug report. :P
9/12 21:03:14 jakub
hiyuh_work: wonderful... well, that thing is just plain borked,
should never have been stable
9/12 21:03:26 DrEeevil
9/12 21:03:29 jakub
.04 is not a solution, it bombs out in a horrible way
9/12 21:04:20 jakub
hiyuh_work: just for fun, this is what I get when trying to compile
.04: http://rafb.net/paste/results/X7ORUQ31.html
9/12 21:05:02 hiyuh_work
blah :P
9/12 21:05:19 Opfer
Jakub: Let's put it back where it belongs...
9/12 21:05:35 jakub
Opfer: package.mask? :P
9/12 21:06:00 hiyuh_work
well, I'm trying to re-emerge it w/ -fno-strict-aliasing, atm.
9/12 21:06:37 jakub
wow, this is a wonderful version bump, go break lots more stuff
9/12 21:06:39 jakub
9/12 21:07:17 jakub
has someone upstream tried to compile even before releasing? O_O
9/12 21:07:30 DrEeevil
jakub: win32 most likely
9/12 21:07:36 Opfer
.04 seems to be a development version...
9/12 21:08:16 jakub
well, it's borked... not really keen on fixing all those includes,
I'm pretty sure there will be more after fixing common/hc.c
9/12 21:09:23 hiyuh_work
ugh, I got segfaults, even if appended -fno-strict-aliasing. :P
9/12 21:10:40 jakub
blah, crap
9/12 21:10:46 Opfer
So the list of things having to need to die is getting longer...
9/12 21:11:45 *
hiyuh_work is doing "emerge -C x11-misc/xfractint".
9/12 21:12:13 DrEeevil
one reason more to have an automated build-all
9/12 21:13:24 jakub
9/12 21:14:08 hiyuh_work
jakub: then, should I note about that runtime segfaults, or?
9/12 21:15:02 jakub
hiyuh_work: probably the other bug is more fix
9/12 21:15:08 jakub
it's linked there
9/12 21:15:30 jakub
s/fix/fit/ damn it
9/12 21:15:51 jakub
hiyuh_work: Bug 147030
9/12 21:15:51 jeeves
jakub: https://bugs.gentoo.org/147030 nor, P2, All,
mail@lutz-uwe-lehmann.de-spock@gentoo.org, NEW, pending,
xfractint-20.4.03 segfaults as user but runs as root (permissions
not set properly on /usr/share/xfractint/*)
9/12 21:17:53 hiyuh_work
umm, it related permission?
9/12 21:18:59 jakub
hiyuh_work: nfc
9/12 21:19:10 jakub
blubb claim that it works on amd64
9/12 21:19:18 jakub
it bombs out straigh on x86
9/12 21:19:32 jakub
and it works for some time and then dies on ppc?
9/12 21:19:39 jakub
jesus, this in junk
9/12 21:21:12 hiyuh_work
yeah, I could see some graphics. but if I poked somthing, then it
got segfaults *sometimes*.
9/12 21:22:05 jakub
well, this thing should have the stable keywords dropped, not
9/12 21:22:19 hiyuh_work