[On #gentoo-ppc@FreeNode.net]
8/16 20:22:17 zoidberg久しぶりに言っている事が訳分からんと笑われた. :P
hey guys
8/16 20:22:30 zoidberg
i'm wondering if someone can help me answer a few questions
8/16 20:22:31 zoidberg
8/16 20:22:34 zoidberg
anyone out there?
8/16 20:24:54 zoidberg
hey is there anyone out there who can help me out?
8/16 20:25:48 zoidberg
anyone out there?
8/16 20:26:01 hiyuh
zoidberg: please, don't ask to ask. just ask, then someone will
8/16 20:26:17 zoidberg
8/16 20:26:25 zoidberg
well i have never used Gentoo before
8/16 20:26:40 zoidberg
i have a G3 lombard Powerbook 333mhz 64 mb ram
8/16 20:26:48 zoidberg
i got Ubuntu badger to work on it
8/16 20:27:06 zoidberg
i tried breezy but breezy doesnt support G3 powerpcs
8/16 20:27:26 zoidberg
so i tried installing badger again and i get this white screen when
its partitioning the disk
8/16 20:28:07 zoidberg
anyways i dunno if anyone here can help me out with that particular
problem...but i was wondering if you guys can tell me how efficient
will Gentoo-ppc be on my machine
8/16 20:28:07 zoidberg
8/16 20:30:01 zoidberg
can anyone help me out?
8/16 20:30:19 hiyuh
zoidberg: Unfortunately, I haven't poked G3, sorry. :(
8/16 20:30:23 hiyuh
but IIRC, G3 guys may be. be patient.
8/16 20:30:51 zoidberg
8/16 20:31:14 zoidberg
hiyuh, i'm not sure i understand what you just said
8/16 20:32:08 hiyuh
zoidberg: sorry, I'm jap. if you couldn't understand what I said,
please just ignore. :P
8/16 20:32:19 zoidberg
8/16 20:34:04 *
hiyuh speaks Eng"r"ish.
8/16 20:36:29 zoidberg
['Key, my English definitely Eng"r"ish. :P]
そろそろ,新しいリリースが必要ですな. :)
[BTW, I've poked Pentium-M lappy as ~x86 Gentoo for the dev env.
2006.0 forces me to update the toolchain 2 times.
Hmm, it needs to new release. :)]
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