
JunkCode.karma++; /* br10_stim.c */

問題: このコードは何でしょう? :9
[Q. This code for what? :9]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#define MSK16(i, b) ((i) & ((uint16_t)0x0001 << (b)))
#define SLL16(i, b) ((uint16_t)(i) << (b))
#define SLR16(i, b) ((uint16_t)(i) >> (b))
#define ORG16(i, b) (SLR16(MSK16((i), (b)), (b)))
#define MOV16(i, b1, b2) (SLL16(ORG16((i), (b1)), (b2)))

uint16_t br10(uint16_t i) {
uint8_t b;
uint16_t bri;

for (bri = 0x0000, b = 0; b < 10; b++) {
bri |= MOV16(i, b, (10 - 1) - b);

return bri;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
uint16_t i, bri, brbri;

for (i = 0x0000; i < SLL16(0x0001, 10); i++) {
bri = br10(i);
brbri = br10(bri);
printf("%4d <-BR10-> %4d <-BR10-> %4d ... %s\n",
i, bri, brbri, (i == brbri) ? "OK" : "NG");

return 0;


while(1) Xilinx.ISE->EatMEM(malloc(sizeof(void)));

会社の自分のPCのISEを8.2iか9.2iにversion bumb.bumpではありません.
最近,#-bugsではversion bum*b*が流行りです. :DDD
[Version bumb 8.2i to 9.2i of fsckin' ISE at my local work PC. It's not
typo. You can see t3h rox0rz phrase, version bum*b* at #-bugs
sometimes. :DDD]

騒いでいるけれど,決め手は8.2iのままだと例のFFT IPが今回の用途で
びみょーにbugりそうだから. :p
POWERZ". But all reason of what I've bumbed to 9.2i is t3h crappy FFT
IP w/ 8.2i will have a stupid bug for this project use. *STAB* :p]

Answer Record #29427
LogiCORE Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) v4.0
Why do I see incorrect outputs when I simulate an unscaled FFT with
a point size larger than 1024, and the Complex Multiplier Optimize for
Speed option is selected?

[T3h Q of OUTPUTIF is already marked as RESO FIXED in this design.
ATM, I've been codin' awk(1p) back end to generate VHDL of the
stimulus and expectation pairs from TSVs.]

modular texliveをモニョる.
[This weekend plan: Pokin' modular texlive.]
bug #195815

xcg.fft.spec.karma--; /* fsckin' misprints */

XilinxのFast Fourier Transform v4.0のProduct specificationが低品質過ぎる.
タイミングチャートのport名が全然違うとか何考えてんだ?まじありえねー. :P
[Xilinx's Fast Fourier Transform v4.0 Product specification really suX0rz.
*STAB*. Why on the earth did dudes misprint t3h port names on timing chart?
NFC at all, KTHXBYE. :P]

[For fsckin' backward compat, I've ported previous I/F w/o explicit changes to
t3h FFT macro by using that crap. Yup, ITDOESNTWORK(tm) w/ planning clock
ATM. These are stripped version output IF, dumb test bench, and a practical

[Q: Whre is fsckin' bottleneck to increase clock speed? Fix0rz it. You can
increase latencies of oDATA and oOVR as you like, and to sort their
alignment would be good for following ones.]

[FIX: for typos.]
-- OUTPUTIF.vhdl
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity OUTPUTIF is
port (
iCLK : in std_logic;
iCLR : in std_logic;
iDATA : in std_logic_vector(22 downto 0);
iGAIN : in std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);
oDATA : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
oOVR : out std_logic
end entity OUTPUTIF;

architecture RTL of OUTPUTIF is


-- Tune Gain and OVeRflow detection
P_TG_OVR : process (iCLK)
if (iCLK'event and iCLK = '1') then
if (iCLR = '1') then
oDATA <= (others => '0');
oOVR <= '0';
case iGAIN is
when "0000" => -- 2^0
oDATA <= iDATA(22 downto 11);
oOVR <= '0';
when "0001" => -- 2^1
if (iDATA(22 downto 21) = "00" or
iDATA(22 downto 21) = "11") then
oDATA <= iDATA(21 downto 10);
oOVR <= '0';
oDATA(11) <= iDATA(22);
oDATA(10 downto 0) <= (others => not iDATA(22));
oOVR <= '1';
end if;
when "0010" => -- 2^2
if (iDATA(22 downto 20) = "000" or
iDATA(22 downto 20) = "111") then
oDATA <= iDATA(20 downto 9);
oOVR <= '0';
oDATA(11) <= iDATA(22);
oDATA(10 downto 0) <= (others => not iDATA(22));
oOVR <= '1';
end if;
when "0011" => -- 2^3
if (iDATA(22 downto 19) = "0000" or
iDATA(22 downto 19) = "1111") then
oDATA <= iDATA(19 downto 8);
oOVR <= '0';
oDATA(11) <= iDATA(22);
oDATA(10 downto 0) <= (others => not iDATA(22));
oOVR <= '1';
end if;
when "0100" => -- 2^4
if (iDATA(22 downto 18) = "00000" or
iDATA(22 downto 18) = "11111") then
oDATA <= iDATA(18 downto 7);
oOVR <= '0';
oDATA(11) <= iDATA(22);
oDATA(10 downto 0) <= (others => not iDATA(22));
oOVR <= '1';
end if;
when "0101" => -- 2^5
if (iDATA(22 downto 17) = "000000" or
iDATA(22 downto 17) = "111111") then
oDATA <= iDATA(17 downto 6);
oOVR <= '0';
oDATA(11) <= iDATA(22);
oDATA(10 downto 0) <= (others => not iDATA(22));
oOVR <= '1';
end if;
when "0110" => -- 2^6
if (iDATA(22 downto 16) = "0000000" or
iDATA(22 downto 16) = "1111111") then
oDATA <= iDATA(16 downto 5);
oOVR <= '0';
oDATA(11) <= iDATA(22);
oDATA(10 downto 0) <= (others => not iDATA(22));
oOVR <= '1';
end if;
when "0111" => -- 2^7
if (iDATA(22 downto 15) = "00000000" or
iDATA(22 downto 15) = "11111111") then
oDATA <= iDATA(15 downto 4);
oOVR <= '0';
oDATA(11) <= iDATA(22);
oDATA(10 downto 0) <= (others => not iDATA(22));
oOVR <= '1';
end if;
when "1000" => -- 2^8
if (iDATA(22 downto 14) = "000000000" or
iDATA(22 downto 14) = "111111111") then
oDATA <= iDATA(14 downto 3);
oOVR <= '0';
oDATA(11) <= iDATA(22);
oDATA(10 downto 0) <= (others => not iDATA(22));
oOVR <= '1';
end if;
when "1001" => -- 2^9
if (iDATA(22 downto 13) = "0000000000" or
iDATA(22 downto 13) = "1111111111") then
oDATA <= iDATA(13 downto 2);
oOVR <= '0';
oDATA(11) <= iDATA(22);
oDATA(10 downto 0) <= (others => not iDATA(22));
oOVR <= '1';
end if;
when "1010" => -- 2^10
if (iDATA(22 downto 12) = "00000000000" or
iDATA(22 downto 12) = "11111111111") then
oDATA <= iDATA(12 downto 1);
oOVR <= '0';
oDATA(11) <= iDATA(22);
oDATA(10 downto 0) <= (others => not iDATA(22));
oOVR <= '1';
end if;
when "1011" => -- 2^11
if (iDATA(22 downto 11) = "000000000000" or
iDATA(22 downto 11) = "111111111111") then
oDATA <= iDATA(11 downto 0);
oOVR <= '0';
oDATA(11) <= iDATA(22);
oDATA(10 downto 0) <= (others => not iDATA(22));
oOVR <= '1';
end if;
when "1100" => -- 2^12
if (iDATA(22 downto 10) = "0000000000000" or
iDATA(22 downto 10) = "1111111111111") then
oDATA <= iDATA(10 downto 0) & '0';
oOVR <= '0';
oDATA(11) <= iDATA(22);
oDATA(10 downto 0) <= (others => not iDATA(22));
oOVR <= '1';
end if;
when "1101" => -- 2^13
if (iDATA(22 downto 9) = "00000000000000" or
iDATA(22 downto 9) = "11111111111111") then
oDATA <= iDATA(9 downto 0) & "00";
oOVR <= '0';
oDATA(11) <= iDATA(22);
oDATA(10 downto 0) <= (others => not iDATA(22));
oOVR <= '1';
end if;
when "1110" => -- 2^14
if (iDATA(22 downto 8) = "000000000000000" or
iDATA(22 downto 8) = "111111111111111") then
oDATA <= iDATA(8 downto 0) & "000";
oOVR <= '0';
oDATA(11) <= iDATA(22);
oDATA(10 downto 0) <= (others => not iDATA(22));
oOVR <= '1';
end if;
when "1111" => -- 2^15
if (iDATA(22 downto 7) = "0000000000000000" or
iDATA(22 downto 7) = "1111111111111111") then
oDATA <= iDATA(7 downto 0) & "0000";
oOVR <= '0';
oDATA(11) <= iDATA(22);
oDATA(10 downto 0) <= (others => not iDATA(22));
oOVR <= '1';
end if;
when others => -- 2^0
oDATA <= iDATA(22 downto 11);
oOVR <= '0';
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process P_TG_OVR;

end architecture RTL;

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

end entity BENCH_OUTPUTIF;

architecture BENCH of BENCH_OUTPUTIF is

component OUTPUTIF is
port (
iCLK : in std_logic;
iCLR : in std_logic;
iDATA : in std_logic_vector(22 downto 0);
iGAIN : in std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);
oDATA : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
oOVR : out std_logic
end component OUTPUTIF;

signal sCLK : std_logic;
signal sCLR : std_logic;
signal sDATA : std_logic_vector(22 downto 0);
signal sGAIN : std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);

signal sOUTPUTIF_oDATA : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
signal sOUTPUTIF_oOVR : std_logic;


P_CLK : process
sCLK <= '1'; wait for 0.5 us;
sCLK <= '0'; wait for 0.5 us;
end process P_CLK;

P_CLR : process
sCLR <= '1'; wait for 10.0 us;
sCLR <= '0'; wait;
end process P_CLR;

P_DATA : process (sCLK)
if (sCLK'event and sCLK = '1') then
if (sCLR = '1') then
sDATA <= (others => '0'); -- signed zero
sDATA <= signed(sDATA) + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process P_DATA;

P_GAIN : process (sCLK)
if (sCLK'event and sCLK = '1') then
if (sCLR = '1') then
sGAIN <= (others => '0'); -- unsigned zero
if (signed(sDATA) = 0) then
sGAIN <= unsigned(sGAIN) + 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process P_GAIN;

port map (
iCLK => sCLK,
iCLR => sCLR,

end architecture BENCH;


Suspend(&ADJJV); read(xcg.fft.spec, &me, ALL);

[I'd suspend to be codin' ADJJV, (is not completed yet). I'll make its
SLOC trend graph as a ceremonial crap soonish.]

今でも128MHzで動いてるのにホントに大丈夫なんかな? :9
[Then, I'd have to read fsckin' Xilinx CoreGen's FFT spec written in English.
To diet bloated t3h macro, my bosses sez "multiple input/output macro
has some identical inside sub-macro, FFT that is. The plain is to rip it
for making it be unified. Plus, input MUX+FIFO and output DEMUX+FIFO,
then input faster clock, period."
...Oh dear, I'd have to say "yes sir", but WTF? :)]



[Here is snippet log of #vhdl@irc.freenode.net.
The subject is bidirectional bus.]
10/13 23:48:13 joe2371
I do not understand iobuf. What happens if I is driven to (NOT IO)?
Which input wins?
10/13 23:50:28 joe2371
Would this condition tie Vcc to ground?
10/13 23:57:15 joe2371
Do I use T to select input vs. output mode? The table I have in my
documentation does not make this clear to me.
10/14 00:08:35 joe2371
I am going to assume that the table is simply unclear and the
schematic symbol probably represents a combination of obuft with
ibuf. That would make a lot of sense, but I am surprised that the
Xilinx documentation would describe the operation the way it does.
Unless my original interpretation of the documentation is correct and
I need to use seperate ibuf and obuft components in my design. Ugh.
10/14 00:23:54 joe2371
Please look at this and tell me if I am right or wrong. Thank
you. http://rafb.net/p/y1DT3Y68.html
10/14 00:30:40 joe2371
Hans, can you please answer my question if you have time?

T ____
I __| \______ IO
| / |
|/ |
/| |
O ___/ |__|
\ |

Xilinx iobuf table:

1 X Z X
0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0

But I think I want this:

1 X 0 0
1 X 1 1
0 0 0 X
0 1 1 X

Is this what I get?
10/14 00:31:57 joe2371
I am trying to learn how to use the iobuf component and the
documentation is not clear to me.
10/14 00:33:12 joe2371
And I don't know how to test my understanding in simulation because
it is a buffer.
10/14 01:31:34 hiyuh
joe2371: did you understand...
10/14 01:31:46 hiyuh
1. "I is input from inside of FPGA, to output to IO"?
10/14 01:31:53 hiyuh
2. "O is output from outside of FPGA, to input from IO"?
10/14 01:31:55 hiyuh
3. "buffered I and unbuffered O is shared at inside of FPGA"?
10/14 01:32:33 joe2371
IO is pin side. I,O are FPGA side, right?
10/14 01:32:47 hiyuh
10/14 01:33:23 joe2371
does T select input/output mode? I mean, what happens if I is 0
but IO goes to 1?
10/14 01:35:19 joe2371
I mean, if SRAM is driving IO, how do I disable I from trying to
drive it also?
10/14 01:36:08 joe2371
Do I have to output Z to the I?
10/14 01:37:07 hiyuh
nope, T selects buffered I's state (it may not be IO's state) to 'Z'
(T = 1) or unbuffered I (T = 0).
10/14 01:38:13 joe2371
So T disables the I pin of the iobuf, but does prevent IO from
changing O?
10/14 01:40:12 joe2371
I am trying to learn how to read the value of IO into the FPGA.
10/14 01:42:06 joe2371
I guess I still don't understand. And I have not been able to simulate
an iobuf to learn how it works. :-/
10/14 01:44:20 joe2371
Maybe you have answered my question already. If T=1 makes I=Z,
then hopefully O=IO.
10/14 01:45:46 joe2371
I am sorry if I do not immediately understand your explanation.
10/14 01:52:39 hiyuh
"if T <= 1, then buffered I <= 'Z' and O <= IO", "if T =
0, buffered I <= I. so O and IO <= wired(buffered I, IO comes
from as others' output)"
10/14 01:53:44 joe2371
Thank you. I think that is exactly what I want.
10/14 01:53:55 hiyuh
10/14 01:57:27 hiyuh
... so bus collision make your day, I guess. :p
10/14 01:57:35 hiyuh
10/14 01:57:36 *
hiyuh runs.
10/14 01:59:37 hiyuh
FYI, to read about "I-BEFORE" and "OUT-AFTER" for ucf files' timing
constrain would be useful.
10/14 01:59:53 hiyuh
10/14 02:00:31 joe2371
oh, no. This means "O and IO <= wired(I, IO comes from SRAM)"
means two inputs on same bus. That is not what I want, of course.
10/14 02:01:34 hiyuh
10/14 02:02:13 joe2371
"assign IO = I and assign IO = SRAM-output" at the same time is not
what I want. Does this mean I cannot use iobuf for my design?
10/14 02:03:05 joe2371
I will look for "I-BEFORE" and "OUT-AFTER" for ucf files.
10/14 02:07:54 hiyuh
so, to keep IO <= 'Z' w/ T = '1' as neutral. when you really want
to output via IOBUF, make sure SRAM is input-state before output
via IOBUF. when others, you should think SRAM may be output-state.
10/14 02:08:53 joe2371
oh, I see.
10/14 02:08:56 hiyuh
otherwise, bus collisoin makes your day. :p



#vhdl@irc.freenode.netでMemory I/Fなお話.
[Here is a snippet log #vhdl@irc.freenode.net. The subject is a memory I/F.]
10/13 04:14:34 joe2371
Are questions about schematics portable between languages and
software? I'm trying to find out the correct way to connect one
signal to two FPGA pins. Do I want to treat my signal as a 1-bit bus
and put two taps on it? I thought that bus taps required the nets
on both sides to have compatible names (eg: Addr(19:0) -> Addr(15)
and not Addr(19:0) -> Foo). Is this splitting best done in the pin
assignment file (.ucf) ?
10/13 04:28:44 hiyuh
depends on transfer speed, imho.
10/13 04:32:33 hiyuh
e.g. I'm now working 8 boards (each one has 4 virtex4).
10/13 04:33:21 hiyuh
each virtex4 will input/output from/to others, the data syncs 128MHz
via simple parallel bus.
10/13 04:33:26 hiyuh
the output to outside of the board will be syncs 256MHz as LVDS.
10/13 04:33:38 hiyuh
sample pic is http://dev.gentoo.gr.jp/~hiyuh/misc/V4LXB.jpg
10/13 04:35:12 hiyuh
reference clock's accuracy and deskewing of sync clock is also PITA.
10/13 04:35:32 hiyuh
10/13 04:38:47 joe2371
That's a nice looking board. The Virtices have fans on them?
10/13 04:39:58 hiyuh
10/13 04:41:38 hiyuh
the left side one is japanese tobacco box, btw.
10/13 04:41:59 joe2371
With the letter C ?
10/13 04:42:10 hiyuh
10/13 04:43:12 joe2371
pretty neat. I'd hate to think what it costs.
10/13 04:44:27 joe2371
Do tools exists that can map a design across multiple chips
10/13 04:45:51 joe2371
...basically treating four FPGAs like one larger one, I mean.
The more I think about it, the less likely I imagine that is.
10/13 04:46:02 hiyuh
my bosses said, one Virtex4 LX200 (the best one of Virtex4 LX series)
will costs about 1000000 yen. but it should depends on quantities
of order, I guess. :p
10/13 04:47:05 joe2371
It's something like 1000 yen to the dollar, I think. Ouch.
10/13 04:47:43 hiyuh
I dunno that neat tool which automatically map it to them.
10/13 04:48:29 joe2371
I guess if they are Virtex chips, you are stuck with Xilinx tools.
10/13 04:49:39 hiyuh
yeah, it's kinda corporate (or project's?) policy, maybe.
10/13 04:50:48 hiyuh
so I can take a screenshot of fsckin' ISE crashing per working day. :p
10/13 04:51:15 joe2371
Only once per day? ISE crashes sometimes 3-5 times on me.
10/13 04:51:50 joe2371
At least it recovers my work OK. (so far)
10/13 04:52:49 hiyuh
I'd have to treat that crap *gently*, b/c it's my job atm. :p
10/13 04:55:31 hiyuh
well, using same name in sch and logical vhdl design is a bit of
difficult, if it's a dead-lined project.
10/13 04:57:03 hiyuh
and ucf craps are not only for constraining the pin assign.
10/13 04:57:40 hiyuh
splitting them to ucf is a good way to go, though.
10/13 04:57:44 joe2371
Ok. My lab homework assignment is to create a 1MB memory controller
with only 14 address pins. I am trying to connect one signal to
two memory chips (same signal, different pins).
10/13 04:58:04 hiyuh
10/13 04:58:09 joe2371
I created that 1-bit bus with two taps.
10/13 04:58:16 joe2371
I don't know if it works, though.
10/13 05:00:58 hiyuh
have you consider about the memories' I/F, driving load, or something?
10/13 05:01:19 hiyuh
10/13 05:02:16 joe2371
oh, no. I am still experimenting with my initial concept for
the design. I don't know what difficulties to expect.
10/13 05:03:31 hiyuh
ah, ok. then first step is to gaze the memories' spec sheet, I
guess. :)
10/13 05:03:49 joe2371
The documentation for the board did not talk about driving load
that I can remember. It just says which pins of the FPGA are tied
to which pins of the SRAMs
10/13 05:04:04 joe2371
I have the specs for the SRAM here
10/13 05:05:17 hiyuh
SRAM? then it doesn't need to be refreshing, right?
10/13 05:05:25 joe2371
10/13 05:05:39 joe2371
yes, I am lucky it is SRAM
10/13 05:06:18 joe2371
But I am unlucky I have only 14 address bus pins connected.
10/13 05:07:50 hiyuh
SRAM's address is 14bits?
10/13 05:08:02 hiyuh
or you have only 14bits on FPGA to specify SRAM's address but SRAM's
address is not 14bits?
10/13 05:09:38 joe2371
no, 18 bits for a 16-bit memory location, plus upper byte and lower
byte pins, plus there are two chips. So SRAMs actually have 20-bit
address (of bytes). But I have a CPU which has only 14 address pins
connected to the FPGA.
10/13 05:10:12 joe2371
I want to use the LSB of the address to select upper/lower byte.
And LSB+1 to select SRAM0/SRAM1.
10/13 05:10:34 joe2371
the missing MSBits are provided from a register tied to a port.
10/13 05:11:16 joe2371
but I need to connect the LSB and LSB+1 to four pins.
10/13 05:11:28 hiyuh
10/13 05:14:44 joe2371
I just thought of something. If chip enable is off, these SRAMs
go to low power mode. Maybe I should organize my pins differently
so that I will use less power when the memory is less than half
full... Hmmm... I'll think about that.
10/13 05:16:22 joe2371
I think it means changing one line of HDL. Then I can say my design
not only works, but is also efficient. :-)
10/13 05:17:43 joe2371
Nevermind. CE only goes high on reads and writes. It does not
matter if the memory contains data. (/me needs more coffee)
10/13 05:17:56 hiyuh
yeah, "separated CEs and shared others" sound good to me though.
10/13 05:18:38 joe2371
the data pins are not shared, though. Address pins are. But UB/LB/CE
are not shared either.
10/13 05:21:26 joe2371
the SRAM data sheet talks about "test load" only.
10/13 05:21:49 hiyuh
I guess "when CE is disabled, it doesn't care other signals". why
not shared address/data bus for that?
10/13 05:22:19 joe2371
They want you to be able to read 32 bits at one time, I think.
10/13 05:22:31 hiyuh
ah ok
10/13 05:23:25 joe2371
they do have shared address, though.
10/13 05:23:40 hiyuh
10/13 05:25:25 joe2371
Since the connection between SRAM and FPGA cannot be changed, then I
think I can't think of anything I can do about the load from inside
the FPGA.
10/13 05:26:08 joe2371
s/I\ think\ I\ can't\ think\ of/I can't think of/
10/13 05:26:23 hiyuh
well, the spec sheet should have typ val of rw timing by pic or
table. so all what you do may be to constrain some timing of FPGA's
10/13 05:27:05 joe2371
The SRAM is about 200 times faster than my CPU and is almost as fast
as the FPGA.
10/13 05:29:02 joe2371
My guess is that the SRAM will provide data long before the CPU
tries to read it. I hope I don't have too many timing problems.
10/13 05:31:57 hiyuh
deskewing for I/O like feedback path may have many timing problems,
too bad. ;p
10/13 05:33:10 hiyuh
only for output has little problem of timing (like for D/A), iirc.
10/13 05:33:40 joe2371
Do you know somewhere I can read more about this?
10/13 05:33:47 joe2371
What should I search for?
10/13 05:35:02 hiyuh
deskewing is common issue for FPGA design, see I/O and clock
management section of your device's users guide.
10/13 05:35:12 joe2371
oh, ok
10/13 05:35:20 hiyuh
good luck :)
10/13 05:35:34 joe2371
thanks. :-/
10/13 05:37:49 joe2371
"skew" was not found in the documentation. :-/
10/13 05:39:32 hiyuh
lol, what's your device?
10/13 05:40:08 joe2371
Digilent starter board with spartan3
10/13 05:42:35 joe2371
I found this in a referenced document "Digital Clock Managers also
eliminate clock skew"
10/13 05:43:19 hiyuh
yeah, DCM is a way for deskewing. :)
10/13 05:44:06 joe2371
I have 4 of them, it looks like.
10/13 05:47:19 hiyuh
well, maybe you want to use DCM_BASE or DCM_PS, I guess.
10/13 05:47:36 joe2371
I'll look them up. Thanks.
10/13 05:47:51 hiyuh

Xilinx.ISE.karma--; /* MSVC++ runtime error!!1 */

今日のクラッシュ,もう何も言うまいて. :p
[Today's crash. All what I can say is only "WTF". :p]


JunkCode.karma++; /* csa_stim.c */

問題: このコードは何でしょう? :9
[Q. This code for what? :9]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>

uint8_t do_csa(uint8_t *pa, uint8_t *pb)
uint8_t a_xor_b, a_and_b;

a_xor_b = *pa ^ *pb;
a_and_b = *pa & *pb;

*pa = a_xor_b;
*pb = a_and_b << 1;

return (a_and_b >> 7);

char *uint8_to_str(char *pstr, uint8_t q)
switch (q & (uint8_t)0xF0) {
case (uint8_t)0x00 : strcpy(&pstr[0], "0000"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x10 : strcpy(&pstr[0], "0001"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x20 : strcpy(&pstr[0], "0010"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x30 : strcpy(&pstr[0], "0011"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x40 : strcpy(&pstr[0], "0100"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x50 : strcpy(&pstr[0], "0101"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x60 : strcpy(&pstr[0], "0110"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x70 : strcpy(&pstr[0], "0111"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x80 : strcpy(&pstr[0], "1000"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x90 : strcpy(&pstr[0], "1001"); break;
case (uint8_t)0xA0 : strcpy(&pstr[0], "1010"); break;
case (uint8_t)0xB0 : strcpy(&pstr[0], "1011"); break;
case (uint8_t)0xC0 : strcpy(&pstr[0], "1100"); break;
case (uint8_t)0xD0 : strcpy(&pstr[0], "1101"); break;
case (uint8_t)0xE0 : strcpy(&pstr[0], "1110"); break;
case (uint8_t)0xF0 : strcpy(&pstr[0], "1111"); break;
default : strcpy(&pstr[0], "????"); break;

switch (q & (uint8_t)0x0F) {
case (uint8_t)0x00 : strcpy(&pstr[4], "0000"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x01 : strcpy(&pstr[4], "0001"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x02 : strcpy(&pstr[4], "0010"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x03 : strcpy(&pstr[4], "0011"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x04 : strcpy(&pstr[4], "0100"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x05 : strcpy(&pstr[4], "0101"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x06 : strcpy(&pstr[4], "0110"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x07 : strcpy(&pstr[4], "0111"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x08 : strcpy(&pstr[4], "1000"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x09 : strcpy(&pstr[4], "1001"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x0A : strcpy(&pstr[4], "1010"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x0B : strcpy(&pstr[4], "1011"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x0C : strcpy(&pstr[4], "1100"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x0D : strcpy(&pstr[4], "1101"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x0E : strcpy(&pstr[4], "1110"); break;
case (uint8_t)0x0F : strcpy(&pstr[4], "1111"); break;
default : strcpy(&pstr[4], "????"); break;

return pstr;

int main(int argc, char *arcv[])
uint8_t a, b;
uint8_t a_add_b;
uint8_t a_csa, b_csa;
uint8_t n_csa;
char a_str[] = "00000000";
char b_str[] = "00000000";

for (a = 0; a < (uint8_t)0x80; a++) {
for (b = 0; b < (uint8_t)0x80; b++) {
a_add_b= a + b;

a_csa = a;
b_csa = b;
n_csa = 0;
do {
printf(" CSA(%s, %s)",
uint8_to_str(a_str, a_csa),
uint8_to_str(b_str, b_csa));
do_csa(&a_csa, &b_csa);
printf(" = (%s, %s) ... %d\n",
uint8_to_str(a_str, a_csa),
uint8_to_str(b_str, b_csa), n_csa);
} while (b_csa != (uint8_t)0x00);

printf("%02X | %02X || %02X | %02X || %s\n",
a, b, a_add_b,
a_csa, (a_add_b != a_csa) ? "NG" : "OK");

return 0;


Xilinx.ISE.karma--; /* Stack corrupted!!1 */

ISEが低品質過ぎます,仕事じゃなかったらこんなブツは速攻でabandonだな. :(
[ISE really suXX0rz!!1 All why the hell I can not abandon this crap is b/c it's my job ATM.]

どうみても固定長配列での集合演算ルーチンです,本当にありがとうございました. :P
[So what I did is to create logical group from physical pads to constrain
bus I/O timing between 2 FPGAs.
That *is* fsckin' set operation routines w/ fixed length array, thank god. :p]

[Add fskin' my Eng'r'ish.]


GentooJP.NomiKai++; /* OSC 2007 Fall */

京急蒲田の辺りでOSC 2007 Fallでした.
[OSC 2007 Fall @ Keikyu-Kamata.]

masayukoさんはGentooJP Java leadな方です,多分. :p
[Dudes came from Fukui-pref. masayuko, AKA GentooJP Java lead... J/K. :p]

展示の方はamd64, x86, ppcのノートPC三台で,全てがタイル型ウィンドウマネージャ
(awesome x2, wmii x1)と言う基本構成で,matsuuさんはデモ用にLive CD 2007.0
[Exhibiting w/ 3 laptops. amd64, x86 and ppc, all laptop is running w/ tiling
window manager (awesome x2, wmii x1). Of course, we did w/ Live CD 2007.0
to demo. Talking w/ NetBSD and suse dudes sometimes. Lunch at "Ni-Hao".
And I've explained ebuild inside or minor arch maintenance policy for FreeBSD
and SH* guys.]

レイヤの低い私には理解出来ない所が多々ありましたが,そんな事は気にしません. :D
[OSC was over, then we went to do NomiKai, first one is Tebasaki by idani.
Trombik talk passionately about OpenBSD, and something about higher layers'
that's what I can not understand a bit, but it's not problem. :D]

「いってらっしゃいませ,ごしゅじんさま」ってマジで言うのか. :DDD
[Then, trombik leads to his favorite Maid-Cafe.
But all the tables have been taken.
"itte rassyai mase, goshujin-sama" really rock0rz. :DDD]

[Second one is Okonomi-Yaki.
Hokkai-Do vs Fukui-Pref, Japan has no IAP but Japanese comedy has IAP,
Discovery channel of sky prefect TV made us sometimes "WTF".]

また話が出来ればいいですね. ;)
["Time to call it a night", at about 10:00 PM.
I came back w/ masayuko till the train arrived at Ueno.
We've been talking about java or something, so masayuko almost
missed its stop, though. Let's get together soon. :)]


LX200 = pow(10, 6) * YEN; pOSC->bugz(eLIVE);

[This is Virtex4 board I'm codin' for.]

Virtex4はLX, SX, FXの三種類,それぞれロジック,DSPとメモリ,I/Oに特化している(らしい).
そんなんが八枚もこの青い箱の中に入っている. :DDD
[Virtex4 has 3 series LX, SX and FX. They are for logic performance,
DSP and memory, I/O oriented. LX200 is highest one of LX series.
This board has 4 LX200s. LX200 costs about 1000000 yen, my bosses said.
Well, so 8 boards are in this blue box, so WTF? :DDD]

で,その蝶高級ボードに突っ込む予定のヘタレVHDLはこんな感じでSLOCが膨れ上がっています. :)
[An VHDL test sources for t3h boards are being now bloated by me. :)]

ところで明日はOSCです.bugdayな感じでテキトーにやりますのでヒマな方はお越し下さい. :)
[BTW, 10/6 is OSC, it will be bugday. Let us fix0rz bugz? :)]


I HAS 1337 VHDL. LOL!!1

この野郎,思わず爆笑しそうになったじゃねーか!!1 :DDD