[K, #-bugs still amuses me.]
(begin flame by bonsaikitten and eroyf.)今年はポップコーンを喰いっ逸れない様にします. :P
01/05 02:36:11 jakub
hrrm.... popcorn time it seems
(still flame by bonsaikitten and eroyf.)
01/05 02:43:47 *
jakub sticks more popcorn to the microwave
(end flame by bonsaikitten and eroyf.)
01/05 03:10:56 hiyuh
lol, i missed my popcorn-time. :p
01/05 03:11:22 bonsaikitten
hiyuh: yeah, you suck :)
01/05 03:11:42 *
bonsaikitten hands out free flames for cooking ;)
01/05 03:11:50 jakub
[So, I won't miss my precious popcorn-time again. :P]
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