[A snippet log from #gentoo-ppc@FreeNode.net]
10/10 23:20:50 kojironet-libs/libwwwのbugの話だったのに思いっきり脱線,面白過ぎる. :D
I seem to be having trouble emerging tetex-2.0.2-r8
10/10 23:21:01 kojiro
I'm pastebinning the errors now
10/10 23:23:18 kojiro
10/10 23:24:05 kojiro
It does seem to have something to do with libwww, but in bugzie the
fix seems to be to set USE=-mysql. I already have that set.
10/10 23:25:47 Jokey
kojiro: hrm is the lib available in the searchpath specified by -L
parameters on the line?
10/10 23:26:44 hiyuh
hmm, libwwwdir.so doesn't exist?
10/10 23:26:47 kojiro
-L/usr/lib -lwwwinit -lwwwapp -lwwwxml -lxmltok ... etc -- you
mean that?
10/10 23:26:55 kojiro
lemme see if it's in /usr/lib
10/10 23:27:23 Jokey
right :)
10/10 23:27:30 kojiro
10/10 23:27:44 kojiro
libwwwEVERYTHING except libwww
10/10 23:28:08 kojiro
hmm, how can I fix that, remerge libwww and hope it works the
second time?
10/10 23:28:50 Jokey
emerge libwww and see where it stores it's lib
10/10 23:29:03 jrsharp
has anyone else here experienced problems (hard lockups) with
yenta-socket in 2.6.13 and newer kernels?
10/10 23:29:06 kojiro
would an equery f libwww help?
10/10 23:29:14 Jokey
kojiro: yup
10/10 23:29:25 Jokey
I bet it's in lib64
10/10 23:29:38 hiyuh
kojiro: "equery belongs /usr/lib/libwwwdir.so" said net-libs/libwww
10/10 23:30:10 kojiro
I don't have a /usr/lib/libwwwdir.so
10/10 23:30:39 hiyuh
guess a multilib mess...
10/10 23:30:47 Jokey
might be possible ;)
10/10 23:31:14 kojiro
yeah, maybe a rebuild will fix it. I'll --sync && update world,
then try again
10/10 23:31:27 hiyuh
good luck :P
10/10 23:31:31 kojiro
10/10 23:31:49 kojiro
I mean arigato :)
10/10 23:32:03 Jokey
hmm german_conspiracy++ :D
10/10 23:32:09 hiyuh
nice japanese :)
10/10 23:32:49 kojiro
meh. English/US conspiracy == attempt to make English unrecognizable
in wr1tt3n f0rmz0r
10/10 23:33:14 kojiro
german_conspiracy == attempt to insert innocuous German into said
pseudo-English :)
10/10 23:33:23 hiyuh
10/10 23:33:49 kojiro
Japanese_conspiracy == attempt to say the word "fork" in less than
three syllables :P
10/10 23:33:52 *
kojiro runs
10/10 23:34:08 hiyuh
10/10 23:40:31 ChrisWhite|Work
oh no
10/10 23:40:38 ChrisWhite|Work
kojiro and hiyuh in the same place
10/10 23:40:41 ChrisWhite|Work
I'm gonna get confused
10/10 23:41:05 hiyuh
ChrisWhite|Work: work! :P
10/10 23:41:09 kojiro
hmm, how do you say ORLY in Japanese/romaji?
10/10 23:41:13 kojiro
10/10 23:41:43 hiyuh
guess "MAJI DE?"
10/10 23:42:06 ChrisWhite|Work
yah, that'd be the closest
[That talking would be about net-libs/libwww stuff,
but it wasn't being, LOL. :D]
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