今度は続きでP4(仮称)をやる事になった. :>
しかもLinuxで動かす気満々な気配. :D
で,その明らかに誰も持っていないチップのデバドラは誰が書くんすか? :P
[So, I had been beaten by the project P3 since this summer, though.
Then, the project P4 comes, ZOMG. :>
My bosses plan to use our SH board w/ FPGA.
And implement MAC and PHY by using our so-called dot-eleven IP which
is written in VHDL, of course modularized RF part is mandatory.
And then that guys plan to use it w/ Linux, yay! :D
However, who can do code that device driver in spite of there's no one
who has that really rare custom chip? :P]
APIはPOSIXなので古くても問題無し,中身は何気に結構笑えるポイントがあってイイ感じ. :P
[BTW, I'm poking Pthreads w/ the O'reilly book
It looks like no problem b/c that API is POSIX-ed.
And that contents have bits of LOL. :P
I'd have to say these thingy needs to be well-documented.
OTOH, ricing has a bit of curios, I knew.]
んで,Linkers & Loadersも読んでいる.
elf(5)/ld(1)とかのmanページから始めるよりは楽しめると思う. :P
そう言えば,最近,PPC ASMでspammingをされたな. :P
[Well, Linkers & Loaders, I had.
If you're binarian-major, it's quite not worse stuff than man pages of elf(5)/ld(1). :P
BTW, why on the earth does he spam me w/ PPC ASM? :P]
GentooJP.NomiKai++; /* OSC2006 Fall */
と言う訳で,一日だけで800人くらい来ていたOSC2006 Fallでした. :)
[Wee, OSC2006 Fall were over.
We would have to thank organizers and 800~ OSS {free,} riders. :)
Here's my memo (only for Japanese) of that event, but it might include
my limbo/misremember, though.]
10/27 night
* #gentoo-jaで準備の話,NETGEARな24ポートHUBがデカすぎると言われる.
* 2005.xなままだったが,Armadillo-9を持って行く事にした.
* #gentoo-{ppc,bugs}で戯れる.
* 取り敢えず,一眠り.
10/28 early-morning
* 夜光性なのと遅刻の恐怖に勝てず熟睡出来ず.
* 仕方無いので,xynth-svn-20061027をsvn coして弄る.
* 更に,mercurialでxynth用レポジトリをでっちあげて,
strict-aliasing, signed/unsigned, PICを直す.
10/28 morning
* 大久保で迷子になるが,二番手で会場入り.
* Gentooポスターとかを止めるテープが無かった.
* HUBを鬼カスケード.
* Armadillo-9用のMicroDriveのファイルシステムがぶっ壊れていた.
* マイナスドライバーが無くて,Armadillo-230の中身が拝めず.
* Gentooバッグを購入,¥3150也.
* 配布するパンフはpress releaseのみでabout.xmlは無し.
* Plan9/Infernoえーなー.
* Exciteは何気に強敵.
* dev-libs/DirectFBとsys-fs/fusionのCVS snapshot ebuildをアップデート.
* プチ壊れたdev-libs/DirectFB関係のブツをrevdep-rebuild.
* Debianは不^H安定だと言うお客さん登場.
* Gentooはもっと不^H安定に出来ると自虐^H慢.
10/28 noon
* www-client/mozilla-firefox-2.0をunmask'n'emergeして放置.
* タイ料理屋で
+ スパムの話.
+ ファイルシステムの話.
+ ビデオカードの話.
+ デバイスドライバの話.
10/28 afternoon
* www-client/mozilla-firefox-2.0のemergeが終っていた,無事動作.
* 2006.1なCDもパンフも捌き終っていた.
* app-i18n/scim-anthy on x11-terms/xtermが
* KでFでUECな知人が来る.
* UでkokenでUECな知人が来る.
* 最新版ウダーを触る.
10/28 early-evening
* 片付け + 机と椅子の移動.
* コーヒーショップで
+ LDAP/HaskellなGentoo devsの話.
+ ebuildjp tree cleanerの話.
+ SOXとISOの話.
+ ADSLモデムと二色のUTPケーブルの話.
+ dev-util/{subversion,mercurial}の話.
10/28 evening
* 懇親会で,
+ ビール
+ コーラ
+ オレンジジュース
+ 青椒肉糸?
+ 春巻?
+ サラダ
+ ポテト
+ じゃんけん,主に本争奪の為.
+ 放置中のbugに関しての謝罪.
一番ショックだった事は,何故かdev-util/subversionが大人気な事. :P
[Bah, you guys really lovin' dev-util/subversion? :P]
[Wee, OSC2006 Fall were over.
We would have to thank organizers and 800~ OSS {free,} riders. :)
Here's my memo (only for Japanese) of that event, but it might include
my limbo/misremember, though.]
10/27 night
* #gentoo-jaで準備の話,NETGEARな24ポートHUBがデカすぎると言われる.
* 2005.xなままだったが,Armadillo-9を持って行く事にした.
* #gentoo-{ppc,bugs}で戯れる.
* 取り敢えず,一眠り.
10/28 early-morning
* 夜光性なのと遅刻の恐怖に勝てず熟睡出来ず.
* 仕方無いので,xynth-svn-20061027をsvn coして弄る.
* 更に,mercurialでxynth用レポジトリをでっちあげて,
strict-aliasing, signed/unsigned, PICを直す.
10/28 morning
* 大久保で迷子になるが,二番手で会場入り.
* Gentooポスターとかを止めるテープが無かった.
* HUBを鬼カスケード.
* Armadillo-9用のMicroDriveのファイルシステムがぶっ壊れていた.
* マイナスドライバーが無くて,Armadillo-230の中身が拝めず.
* Gentooバッグを購入,¥3150也.
* 配布するパンフはpress releaseのみでabout.xmlは無し.
* Plan9/Infernoえーなー.
* Exciteは何気に強敵.
* dev-libs/DirectFBとsys-fs/fusionのCVS snapshot ebuildをアップデート.
* プチ壊れたdev-libs/DirectFB関係のブツをrevdep-rebuild.
* Debianは不^H安定だと言うお客さん登場.
* Gentooはもっと不^H安定に出来ると自虐^H慢.
10/28 noon
* www-client/mozilla-firefox-2.0をunmask'n'emergeして放置.
* タイ料理屋で
+ スパムの話.
+ ファイルシステムの話.
+ ビデオカードの話.
+ デバイスドライバの話.
10/28 afternoon
* www-client/mozilla-firefox-2.0のemergeが終っていた,無事動作.
* 2006.1なCDもパンフも捌き終っていた.
* app-i18n/scim-anthy on x11-terms/xtermが
* KでFでUECな知人が来る.
* UでkokenでUECな知人が来る.
* 最新版ウダーを触る.
10/28 early-evening
* 片付け + 机と椅子の移動.
* コーヒーショップで
+ LDAP/HaskellなGentoo devsの話.
+ ebuildjp tree cleanerの話.
+ SOXとISOの話.
+ ADSLモデムと二色のUTPケーブルの話.
+ dev-util/{subversion,mercurial}の話.
10/28 evening
* 懇親会で,
+ ビール
+ コーラ
+ オレンジジュース
+ 青椒肉糸?
+ 春巻?
+ サラダ
+ ポテト
+ じゃんけん,主に本争奪の為.
+ 放置中のbugに関しての謝罪.
一番ショックだった事は,何故かdev-util/subversionが大人気な事. :P
[Bah, you guys really lovin' dev-util/subversion? :P]
NatsuYasumi, sys-apps/pkgcore, autotools hell, notepad++
10/21から10/29まで夏休み(!?)になりました. :P
[K, I've done t3h thingy.
So, I'll take a week off as summer vacation(!?). :P
Then, here's my TODO in that week.]
1) 2006.1 press releaseを訳す.
2) Xynth on Armadillo-9 w/ Gentoo
3) 実家に顔を出す.
[1) Translate 2006.1 press release to Japanese.
2) Xynth on Armadillo-9 w/ Gentoo
3) Homecoming]
[We have OSC at 10/28.
So 1) is critical, 2) is major, 3) is minor.]
[At #gentoo-dev-help, marienz said sys-apps/pkgcore is.]
[At #gentoo-dev-help too, autotools beat _masterdriverz_.]
[Default editor for Mercurial on Windows should be notepad. :P]
[PATCH] Default editor for Windows installer is now notepad. [Issue 256]
Re: [PATCH] Default editor for Windows installer is now notepad. [Issue 256]
10/21から10/29まで夏休み(!?)になりました. :P
[K, I've done t3h thingy.
So, I'll take a week off as summer vacation(!?). :P
Then, here's my TODO in that week.]
1) 2006.1 press releaseを訳す.
2) Xynth on Armadillo-9 w/ Gentoo
3) 実家に顔を出す.
[1) Translate 2006.1 press release to Japanese.
2) Xynth on Armadillo-9 w/ Gentoo
3) Homecoming]
[We have OSC at 10/28.
So 1) is critical, 2) is major, 3) is minor.]
[At #gentoo-dev-help, marienz said sys-apps/pkgcore is.]
10/18 01:31:17 hiyuh同じく#gentoo-dev-helpにて,autotoolsの被害者が発生.
!rdep yacc
10/18 01:31:18 jeeves
dev-util/yacc <- app-shells/ash dev-libs/tinyq dev-util/cdecl
mail-client/etpan-ng net-p2p/gtk-gnutella sys-fs/lde
10/18 01:31:35 hiyuh
!rdep bison
10/18 01:31:38 jeeves
yikes 30 pkgs reverse rdepend on bison! Try digging around here
instead. http://tinderbox.dev.gentoo.org/misc/rindex/
10/18 01:31:48 hiyuh
10/18 01:43:28 marienz
hiyuh: what are you trying to do? pquery from pkgcore lets you do
this kind of search restricted to a category or other things (although
it's a bit slower than jeeves since it doesn't have an index for it)
10/18 01:58:50 hiyuh
marienz: I'm thinking about virtual/yacc enhancement. in portage
tree, there're some YACCs. directly depends dev-util/aycc or so may
be OK, but sys-devel/bison is mandatory for sys-devel/gcc, IIRC. and
"bison -y" == "yacc".
10/18 02:00:37 marienz
hmm, don't know enough about that to help you
10/18 02:00:50 marienz
pquery --revdep dev-util/yacc --raw should give you a list of stuff
though :)
10/18 02:01:17 hiyuh
ok, thanks :)
10/18 02:18:46 hiyuh
marienz: argh, sys-apps/pkgcore is not ~ppc keyworded, isn't it so
arch depends? :(
10/18 02:19:02 marienz
hiyuh: it's pretty new. There's an extremely good chance it will
just work.
10/18 02:19:43 hiyuh
ok, i'll try.
10/18 02:19:54 marienz
hiyuh: (if it fails it'll fail in the c bits, which are fairly well
tested if you set FEATURES=test)
10/18 02:20:31 hiyuh
10/18 02:28:13 hiyuh
marienz: looks like "IT JUST WORKS (tm)" :)
10/18 02:28:32 marienz
hiyuh: yay, guess I should find a ppc arch team member at some point
to add that keyword
10/18 02:32:56 ChrisWhite|Work
I'd add it myself if I wasn't ppc (not ~ppc)
10/18 02:46:17 hiyuh
wow, pquery really rocks...
[At #gentoo-dev-help too, autotools beat _masterdriverz_.]
10/18 19:30:45 _masterdriverz_そして,Windows上でMercurialのデフォルトのエディタはnotepadになりました. :P
a package im writing an ebuild for says it requires libxfree86,
which is a bit ambiguous
10/18 19:31:14 _masterdriverz_
is it x11-libs/libXxf86dga, x11-libs/libXxf86misc, x11-libs/libXxf86vm
or something else?
10/18 21:20:59 hiyuh
_masterdriverz_: on my system "locate xfree86" shows no
libxfree86.{so,a}, but x11-libs/libXxf86{dga,misc,vm} are
installed. so guess you need "something else".
10/18 21:21:30 _masterdriverz_
hiyuh, i think its a debian/rpm package, but im not sure what its
gentoo name is
10/18 21:22:24 hiyuh
heh, btw what's that?
10/18 21:25:55 zzam
_masterdriverz_: it will require some libX11 and more I suspect -
if it is no very strange package
10/18 21:26:23 _masterdriverz_
hiyuh, http://vision.eng.shu.ac.uk/mediawiki-1.4.10/index.php/Mimas
10/18 21:26:41 _masterdriverz_
zzam, ok thanks, looks like ill have to test and find out :(
10/18 21:27:54 zzam
_masterdriverz_: ignore the text from readme of the package and read
the text about modular-x-porting
10/18 21:29:13 zzam
the ebuild seems to have a long list in DEPEND :)
10/18 21:29:14 _masterdriverz_
zzam, will do, but the README is less than helpful - going through
configure.in shows it has loads of dependencies that it doesn't list
in the README :(
10/18 21:29:42 _masterdriverz_
zzam, err, what ebuild?
10/18 21:30:11 zzam
the one you are writing
10/18 21:30:18 _masterdriverz_
10/18 21:31:03 _masterdriverz_
you had me worried there - im supposed to be writing some unique
ebuilds in preparation for devship (yay!), and this one's taken me
ages :(
10/18 21:40:21 hiyuh
_masterdriverz_: heh, I guess to do "grep -e -lX configure" helps.
10/18 21:40:56 _masterdriverz_
hiyuh, to be honest, i think its the least of my worries :(
10/18 21:41:26 _masterdriverz_
this package has tooo many automagic dependencies
10/18 21:41:43 _masterdriverz_
eg, just found it (might) use libdc1394, but it might not
10/18 21:42:08 hiyuh
yep, that's so-called autotools hell.
10/18 21:43:21 *
_masterdriverz_ senses a big patch for the Makefile, and a big smack
from his cluebat for the author :)
10/18 21:43:53 hiyuh
maybe, it requires libX{11,ext,mu,t,i}.
10/18 21:44:45 _masterdriverz_
hiyuh, i think its xine actually
10/18 21:44:48 _masterdriverz_
10/18 21:44:59 _masterdriverz_
why can't people come up with sane names for packages?
10/18 21:46:20 hiyuh
beacause, we like ACRONYM? :P
10/18 21:47:04 _masterdriverz_
but libxfree86 is just sooo ambiguous its stupid
10/18 21:48:18 hiyuh
couldn't help, it's just histrical relic. :P
10/18 21:48:23 zzam
you also can just build it now and analyze the linkage of the binary
10/18 21:49:08 hiyuh
yep, if you have missing ones, linker will tell some missing symbols.
10/18 21:50:10 _masterdriverz_
zzam, haven't got that far yet *sigh*
10/18 21:50:31 _masterdriverz_
i think im gonna commit suicide before i finish src_compile :(
10/18 21:50:52 zzam
hiyuh: problem is: packages are installed and silently linked against
10/18 21:52:16 _masterdriverz_
"Please report bugs to jan@wedesoft.de" :)
10/18 21:52:24 hiyuh
if so, it needs runtime testing, though.
10/18 21:53:18 _masterdriverz_
there is not _one_ single instance of ./configure checking whether
i want the option disabled or not
10/18 21:55:49 _masterdriverz_
hiyuh, zzam, either of you got an example of a decent configure
script so i can work out how to patch it correctly?
10/18 21:56:12 zzam
autoconf is crazy
10/18 22:01:24 _masterdriverz_
err, not the answer i was looking for
10/18 22:01:27 hiyuh
zzam: agreed.
10/18 22:03:51 hiyuh
_masterdriverz_: IIRC, dev-manual tells bit of autotools detail.
10/18 22:04:06 _masterdriverz_
hiyuh, thanks
10/18 22:04:10 hiyuh
[Default editor for Mercurial on Windows should be notepad. :P]
[PATCH] Default editor for Windows installer is now notepad. [Issue 256]
Re: [PATCH] Default editor for Windows installer is now notepad. [Issue 256]
NoDocument > BrokenDocument
[A snippet log from #gentoo-dev-help.]
[Aww, I forgot to revive myself. :P]
[A snippet log from #gentoo-dev-help.]
10/11 20:43:24 sheldonhうへ,殺されちった. :P
it looks like ebuilds in PORTDIR_OVERLAY look for FILESDIR in the
main portage tree instead of the overlay?
10/11 20:44:13 sheldonh
surely i'm wrong? it would mean overlays are effectively a fat waste
of time for all but trivial ebuilds
10/11 20:48:28 sheldonh
hmmm, good, i'm wrong
10/11 20:50:24 sheldonh
what things should i look for when epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PV} picks
up some patches but not others?
10/11 20:58:27 hiyuh
10/11 20:59:20 sheldonh
openal's src_unpack() does an epatch ${FILESDIR}/{$PV}
10/11 20:59:25 hiyuh
"man 5 ebuild" is your friend, see its env var section.
10/11 21:00:45 hiyuh
$FILESDIR is the overlay's Category/PackageName/files directory,
if its ebuild is in your overlay.
10/11 21:01:32 hiyuh
and then, ${PV} is the package's version
10/11 21:01:47 sheldonh
dude, i so understand this shit :)
10/11 21:01:59 hiyuh
k, good luck :P
10/11 21:02:05 sheldonh
the point is, i'm adding a patch and src_unpack() isn't applying it
10/11 21:03:03 sheldonh
the directory already contains 002_all_alc_context.patch,
002_all_alsa_default.patch and 003_all_mmx.patch
10/11 21:03:32 sheldonh
i'm adding 004_pkgconfig.patch (for bug #150872) and src_unpack()
isn't applying it, and isn't telling me why :)
10/11 21:03:45 sheldonh
hence the question "what things should i look for when epatch
${FILESDIR}/${PV} picks up some patches but not others?"
10/11 21:05:04 hiyuh
hmm, re-digest cann't help?
10/11 21:06:11 hiyuh
or, specify all patches explicitly is a ugly work-around way, IMHO.
10/11 21:06:33 sheldonh
sure, i could uglify it
10/11 21:07:13 sheldonh
but given how !#$%#$ long it takes devs to commit stuff as it is,
uglifying contributions isn't a great way to go
10/11 21:07:23 sheldonh
since that discourages them from commiting
10/11 21:10:40 hiyuh
sheldonh: hmm, could you mind to do pastebin/rafb your patch?
10/11 21:12:16 hiyuh
and then, your patch's suffix is really "patch" as speficied by
10/11 21:12:37 sheldonh
hiyuh: yes
10/11 21:13:24 sheldonh
hiyuh: http://phpfi.com/162471
10/11 21:16:05 sheldonh
hiyuh: and yes, the patch is in Manifest after a fresh ebuild
... digest :)
10/11 21:18:51 sheldonh
i think i might just give up, actually
10/11 21:19:05 sheldonh
it's been a long day, and i'm now pretty sure this is just portage
being stupid
10/11 21:19:36 hiyuh
ah, it should be "004_all_pkgconfig.patch".
10/11 21:21:11 sheldonh
what's the magic _all_ about?
10/11 21:23:26 sheldonh
hiyuh: ah. apparently undocumented arch-dependent patch feature
10/11 21:23:27 sheldonh
10/11 21:23:37 sheldonh
hiyuh: thanks, wouldn't have noticed, i don't think
10/11 21:23:47 hiyuh
10/11 21:24:12 hiyuh
was already documented. :p
10/11 21:24:45 sheldonh
sure, everything is documented _somewhere_
10/11 21:25:23 hiyuh
yeah, and sources will always be with you :P
10/11 21:27:41 *
sheldonh murders hiyuh
10/11 21:27:43 sheldonh
10/11 21:28:09 sheldonh
hiyuh: it's that old thing of "no documentation is better than broken
documentation" :)
10/11 21:28:45 hiyuh
[Aww, I forgot to revive myself. :P]
"O RLY?" == "MAJI DE?"
[A snippet log from #gentoo-ppc@FreeNode.net]
[That talking would be about net-libs/libwww stuff,
but it wasn't being, LOL. :D]
[A snippet log from #gentoo-ppc@FreeNode.net]
10/10 23:20:50 kojironet-libs/libwwwのbugの話だったのに思いっきり脱線,面白過ぎる. :D
I seem to be having trouble emerging tetex-2.0.2-r8
10/10 23:21:01 kojiro
I'm pastebinning the errors now
10/10 23:23:18 kojiro
10/10 23:24:05 kojiro
It does seem to have something to do with libwww, but in bugzie the
fix seems to be to set USE=-mysql. I already have that set.
10/10 23:25:47 Jokey
kojiro: hrm is the lib available in the searchpath specified by -L
parameters on the line?
10/10 23:26:44 hiyuh
hmm, libwwwdir.so doesn't exist?
10/10 23:26:47 kojiro
-L/usr/lib -lwwwinit -lwwwapp -lwwwxml -lxmltok ... etc -- you
mean that?
10/10 23:26:55 kojiro
lemme see if it's in /usr/lib
10/10 23:27:23 Jokey
right :)
10/10 23:27:30 kojiro
10/10 23:27:44 kojiro
libwwwEVERYTHING except libwww
10/10 23:28:08 kojiro
hmm, how can I fix that, remerge libwww and hope it works the
second time?
10/10 23:28:50 Jokey
emerge libwww and see where it stores it's lib
10/10 23:29:03 jrsharp
has anyone else here experienced problems (hard lockups) with
yenta-socket in 2.6.13 and newer kernels?
10/10 23:29:06 kojiro
would an equery f libwww help?
10/10 23:29:14 Jokey
kojiro: yup
10/10 23:29:25 Jokey
I bet it's in lib64
10/10 23:29:38 hiyuh
kojiro: "equery belongs /usr/lib/libwwwdir.so" said net-libs/libwww
10/10 23:30:10 kojiro
I don't have a /usr/lib/libwwwdir.so
10/10 23:30:39 hiyuh
guess a multilib mess...
10/10 23:30:47 Jokey
might be possible ;)
10/10 23:31:14 kojiro
yeah, maybe a rebuild will fix it. I'll --sync && update world,
then try again
10/10 23:31:27 hiyuh
good luck :P
10/10 23:31:31 kojiro
10/10 23:31:49 kojiro
I mean arigato :)
10/10 23:32:03 Jokey
hmm german_conspiracy++ :D
10/10 23:32:09 hiyuh
nice japanese :)
10/10 23:32:49 kojiro
meh. English/US conspiracy == attempt to make English unrecognizable
in wr1tt3n f0rmz0r
10/10 23:33:14 kojiro
german_conspiracy == attempt to insert innocuous German into said
pseudo-English :)
10/10 23:33:23 hiyuh
10/10 23:33:49 kojiro
Japanese_conspiracy == attempt to say the word "fork" in less than
three syllables :P
10/10 23:33:52 *
kojiro runs
10/10 23:34:08 hiyuh
10/10 23:40:31 ChrisWhite|Work
oh no
10/10 23:40:38 ChrisWhite|Work
kojiro and hiyuh in the same place
10/10 23:40:41 ChrisWhite|Work
I'm gonna get confused
10/10 23:41:05 hiyuh
ChrisWhite|Work: work! :P
10/10 23:41:09 kojiro
hmm, how do you say ORLY in Japanese/romaji?
10/10 23:41:13 kojiro
10/10 23:41:43 hiyuh
guess "MAJI DE?"
10/10 23:42:06 ChrisWhite|Work
yah, that'd be the closest
[That talking would be about net-libs/libwww stuff,
but it wasn't being, LOL. :D]
ついに来た! :P
[K, YTMND! :P]
Project of Binding Kuru-Hime
故に,この世は{逝,生}き難い. :P
[BTW, my hobbies' karma oriented minor one.
If it grows up as major one, my karma deems it dismal.
Thus, that's why on the earth a bit of hard way. :P]
[K, YTMND! :P]
Project of Binding Kuru-Hime
故に,この世は{逝,生}き難い. :P
[BTW, my hobbies' karma oriented minor one.
If it grows up as major one, my karma deems it dismal.
Thus, that's why on the earth a bit of hard way. :P]
投稿 (Atom)