

#vhdlのnumeric_stdな猿共と再度flameしてみた. :P
07/25 21:03:01 hiyuh
07/25 21:03:31 hiyuh
i did migrate std_logic_arith to numeric_std on my current proj.
07/25 21:04:06 hiyuh
but i think numeric_std still sux in my style/use.
07/25 21:04:49 hiyuh
anybody have good example code which use numeric_std elegant?
07/25 21:04:56 hiyuh
07/25 21:06:39 hiyuh
MatthiasM, NULL[0] ^^ :)
07/25 21:06:44 MatthiasM
07/25 21:07:25 MatthiasM
there is not much to say - if you have a signal/variable which is
used in computations, then declare it as (un)signed
07/25 21:07:29 Sordran_
07/25 21:12:00 hiyuh
07/25 22:17:16 bpadalino
hiyuh: yeah, what's the issue ?
07/25 22:21:23 hiyuh
one of issues I hate numeric_std is it breaks port compatibilty.
07/25 22:21:26 hiyuh
b/c all of mine was std_logic, std_logic_vector, range constrained
integer or custom type.
07/25 22:22:22 hiyuh
i know inner std_logic_vector() wrapping makes it compatible,
but it's very eyesore.
07/25 22:24:00 bpadalino
so don't convert to slv at the port level
07/25 22:24:08 bpadalino
if it's an unsigned number - keep it an unsigned number
07/25 22:24:14 bpadalino
preserve context as much as possible
07/25 22:28:13 hiyuh
nope, for lazy simulation, I did input ascending/descending number
to data port. it's data, not unsigned/signed.
07/25 22:31:26 hiyuh
and another one I hate is to declare unsigned/signed signal/variable
and computing w/o unsigned()/signed().
07/25 22:32:21 bpadalino
you can always overload your functions .. and add your own package
07/25 22:33:12 hiyuh
if you recommend overloading, i won't use numeric_std TBH.
07/25 22:33:26 hiyuh
it's pain to me atm.
07/25 22:33:44 bpadalino
numeric_std removes ambiguity from your code - if you find it to
be a pain, then live with the ambiguity
07/25 22:34:40 hiyuh
then plz show me that ambiguity which comes from std_logic_arith?
07/25 22:35:56 bpadalino
a <= b + x"abcd"
07/25 22:35:58 bpadalino
what did i just do
07/25 22:38:27 hiyuh
every time I compute std_logic_vector, I always do it w/ explicit
unsigned()/signed(). and also I don't use hexadecimal/binary
presented std_logic_vector for any computation.
07/25 22:39:45 bpadalino
congrats - but it doesn't remove the ambiguity that can happen
07/25 22:39:47 bpadalino
use whatever you want
07/25 22:41:17 hiyuh
promote me more, why that doesn't remove the ambiguity?
07/25 22:42:45 bpadalino
because you can still abuse it
07/25 22:44:38 hiyuh
07/25 22:48:17 bpadalino
i understand numeric_std makes your code look "ugly" if you do a
lot of casting
07/25 22:48:47 bpadalino
answer is to do less casting
07/25 22:54:48 hiyuh
I'd like to say trivial explicit casting is not eyesore to me.
07/25 22:54:57 hiyuh
atm i don't like numeric_std's implicit type guessing to compute.
07/25 22:55:02 hiyuh
b/c to see which function is used, it needs to see their
07/25 22:55:49 bpadalino
guessing ?
07/25 22:56:39 hiyuh
signal a : signed; signal b : signed; signal c : signed; ... some
line of code ... c <= a + b; -- numeric_std use.
07/25 22:59:10 hiyuh
+ of "a + b" is "signed + signed". but to figure out that, it needs
to see their declaration.
07/25 22:59:40 MatthiasM
the issue why code may look ugly is that it is not cleanly designed -
eg when writing software you have to carefully define the types of
variables, parameters and return values
07/25 23:00:05 bpadalino
how is that not any different than how it would happen with
std_logic_arith ?
07/25 23:01:16 hiyuh
my std_logic_arith use looks like,
07/25 23:01:17 hiyuh
signal a : std_logic_vector; signal b : std_logic_vector; signal
c : std_logic_vector; ... some lines of code ... c <= signed(a)
+ signed(b);
07/25 23:02:00 bpadalino
is a or b or c a signed or unsigned number ?
07/25 23:02:05 bpadalino
wow, that's all sorts of crazy
07/25 23:03:19 bpadalino
nothing stops you from going c <= unsigned(a) + signed(b) ;
07/25 23:03:24 bpadalino
so it's really just a bunch of bits
07/25 23:04:22 hiyuh
I mean arg type and computation is one set.
07/25 23:04:26 hiyuh
signal a : signed; signal b : signed; signal c : signed;
... some line of code ... c <= signed(std_logic_vector(a)) +
07/25 23:04:41 hiyuh
is it valid for numeric_std?
07/25 23:04:56 bpadalino
07/25 23:05:24 hiyuh
if so, declaration is not for force to use proper computation.
07/25 23:06:07 bpadalino
if i saw unsigned(std_logic_vector(b)) in a code review, i think
my red flags would go up
07/25 23:06:18 bpadalino
but if i saw signed(b) - i wouldn't think twice
07/25 23:06:40 bpadalino
numeric_std doesn't stop you from being an idiot - it just makes
it harder
07/25 23:07:17 hiyuh
07/25 23:08:33 bpadalino
they're supposed to be a set of functions which help you
07/25 23:08:42 bpadalino
if you don't find them helpful, don't use them
07/25 23:09:22 hiyuh
but if i stick std_logic_arith, MatthiasM will bitch me. :P
07/25 23:09:52 MatthiasM
07/25 23:14:30 bpadalino
so learn to quit writing ambiguous code
07/25 23:16:09 hiyuh
signal a : signed; signal b : signed; signal c : signed; ... some
line of code ... c <= a + b; -- (1)
07/25 23:16:12 hiyuh
signal a : std_logic_vector; signal b : std_logic_vector; signal
c : std_logic_vector; ... some lines of code ... c <= signed(a) +
signed(b); -- (2)
07/25 23:16:54 hiyuh
to review code, (1) needs to check declaration and computation. (2)
needs to check computation only.
07/25 23:17:27 hiyuh
that's why I hate numeric_std atm.
07/25 23:17:30 bpadalino
d <= unsigned(a) + signed(b) ;
07/25 23:17:45 bpadalino
does not enforce that a is a signed type
07/25 23:18:07 bpadalino
if you want to be loose, and not have matthiam bitch at you -
use verilog
07/25 23:18:15 bpadalino
but in a strongly typed language, learn to deal with it
07/25 23:18:17 MatthiasM
hiyuh: with (2) you have to check that a is used in the same way
07/25 23:18:52 bpadalino
also - if you pass a out a port as a slv, there is no guarantee it
will be maintained as that representation later on
07/25 23:19:00 bpadalino
which only causes more confusion
07/25 23:19:53 MatthiasM
the only place where you should keep using SLV is at the top level -
because post fitting timing simulation is loosing the port type -
and then your testbench doesn't work anymore :(
07/25 23:20:15 bpadalino
07/25 23:21:16 hiyuh
MatthiasM: (1) is same b/c think that crappy code like,
07/25 23:21:21 hiyuh
signal a : signed; signal b : signed; signal c : signed;
... some line of code ... c <= signed(std_logic_vector(a)) +
unsigned(std_logic_vector(b)); -- (3)
07/25 23:21:39 bpadalino
hiyuh, if you want to shoot yourself in the foot easier, i think
aliases might make your life more hellish
07/25 23:22:03 MatthiasM
hiyuh: if I would have to review your code and it contains such a
thing - you would rewrite it again
07/25 23:27:21 hiyuh
bpadalino: if you declare port as signed/unsigned, it doesn't force
to use that type. b/c there is idiot casts.
07/25 23:27:48 bpadalino
hiyuh, like i said - you can always be an idiot, numeric_std just
makes it harder
07/25 23:28:42 hiyuh
and it does also analyze harder. that's why I hate numeric_std.
07/25 23:30:19 hiyuh
if declaration can not force proper type use, i think type in
declaration is redundant info.
07/25 23:31:24 hiyuh
if using numeric_std doesn't allow any casting, it make sense.
07/25 23:31:36 hiyuh
but it's not.
07/25 23:32:04 MatthiasM
hiyuh: well - do what you want - but spot anoyng everyone with your
bad design
07/25 23:32:11 MatthiasM
07/25 23:34:27 hiyuh
07/25 23:34:29 hiyuh
I'm really talking in technical view.
07/25 23:34:31 bpadalino
you know, no reason to even use std_logic_vectors since we're just
going down to bits ...
07/25 23:34:37 bpadalino
so lets just do std_logic
07/25 23:35:52 bpadalino
hiyuh, you want to be stuck in a type you can't get out of ?
07/25 23:36:05 bpadalino
or would you rather be forced to think about the computation you're
doing ?
07/25 23:46:51 hiyuh
well. you're talking about bit to std_logic migration?
07/25 23:47:12 hiyuh
you mean it's same wrt migration std_logic_arith to numeric_std?
07/25 23:48:09 hiyuh
btw sorry for my bad english.
07/25 23:48:51 bpadalino
i am saying you can use whatever you like - but your arguments
are weak
07/25 23:49:07 hiyuh
07/25 23:50:02 hiyuh
maybe, it's b/c i have little experience w/ numeric_std.
07/25 23:50:50 hiyuh
so I should read more elegant std_logic_arith to numeric_std
migration examples.
07/25 23:51:08 bpadalino
there's nothing elegant about it
07/25 23:51:26 hiyuh
07/25 23:51:51 bpadalino
the way you're doing it, trust me - there's no elegant way about it
07/25 23:51:59 bpadalino
all your base types are slv ..
07/25 23:52:06 bpadalino
so you will have to cast everything
07/25 23:52:20 bpadalino
first to get to something workable, then back to your slv base type
07/25 23:52:35 bpadalino
you're really doing a lot of work to lose intent and context of
the code
07/25 23:52:54 bpadalino
lets write a c program where all we use are char's .. and cast
everything when we need it to be something else
07/25 23:53:11 hiyuh
nope, I cloned my proj for the migration test. I'm using mercurial.
07/25 23:53:43 bpadalino
scm has nothing to do with elegance or porting poorly written code
to using numeric_std
07/25 23:59:17 hiyuh
well, I've just done to migrate std_logic_arith to numeric_std
07/26 00:00:14 hiyuh
it takes about 1 hour or so. but i think it's ugly.
07/26 00:01:55 hiyuh
to motivate myself more, I'm talking here.
07/26 00:02:54 hiyuh
I beleive my code base is not poor you think.
07/26 00:02:57 hiyuh
it works w/ 2 boards which each one has 4 virtex4.
07/26 00:03:08 hiyuh
all ones are written in two-process method.
07/26 00:08:03 bpadalino
sounds great when you're the only person working on the code
07/26 00:08:04 bpadalino
keep it up
07/26 00:10:08 hiyuh
yup, it was coded by me only.
07/26 00:29:23 bpadalino
if you're the only person, write it any way you want
07/26 00:34:19 hiyuh
ok, thank you for taking your time.

取り敢えず,再確認出来た事としては技術的な話をしている時に"stop annoying"とか"trust me"とかふざけた事を言う奴の意見は聴くに値しないと言う事だな.
結局,suckless.orgのstyle guideが言う様にconsistencyが重要だとすれば,自分のstyleと相容れないpackageを無理に使う事はないって事になるのかな?
つー訳で,やっぱり私は当分の間はnumeric_stdにmigrateする事はありません. :P



取り敢えず,KMSがmodeset=0で動く様になったと思ったら#vhdlにnumeric_stdな猿が居たのでflameしてみた. :P
07/19 02:35:22 jv
MatthiasM: Why is logic_arith so pervasive?
07/19 02:35:41 MatthiasM
07/19 02:46:31 jv
MatthiasM: why people keep using std_logic_artih
07/19 02:46:56 MatthiasM
maybe because neither Xilinx or Altera updated their language

07/19 03:27:50 hiyuh
jv: MatthiasM: promote me numeric_std more. then I'll switch from
sticking std_logic_arith.
07/19 03:28:21 MatthiasM
hiyuh: simple - no help for everyone who uses std_logic_arith :P
07/19 03:28:40 hiyuh
07/19 03:30:21 NULL[0]
we need to open a new channel for that: #vhdl-93
07/19 03:30:55 MatthiasM
or #vhdl-only-for-std_numeric-users
07/19 03:31:12 hiyuh
there is no system doesn't support std_logic_arith and
numeric_std. monkey is just saying "it's t3h standard".
07/19 03:32:05 NULL[0]
a 15 years old tool supporting only vhdl-87 will not support
numeric_std ;p
07/19 03:32:35 hiyuh
no, that kind of craps are not system anymore. :p
07/19 03:36:29 hiyuh
anyway, vhdl-93/2002 doesn't bother to use std_logic_arith, iirc.
07/19 03:36:58 NULL[0]
because it is not necessary anymore
07/19 03:39:00 hiyuh
so plz, promote me in technical view. numeric_std is different from
std_logic_arith. why I should migrate?
07/19 03:39:15 hiyuh
s/I should/should I/
07/19 03:39:50 NULL[0]
one is a standard the other one a de facto standard that will
hopefully be deprecated soon ;)
07/19 03:40:27 NULL[0]
unfortunately it will never happen ;/
07/19 03:41:05 hiyuh
yup, de facto standard won't be deprecated. b/c monky is just saying
"it's t3h standard".
07/19 03:41:20 hiyuh
so plz promote me more.
07/19 03:42:07 NULL[0]
I don't really care :p, I have seen only 1 stupid case combining
std_logic_signed and std_logic_unsigned which broke the code
07/19 03:43:05 NULL[0]
something impossible with numeric_std ;)
07/19 03:43:12 NULL[0]
07/19 03:44:43 hiyuh
std_logic_arith is not std_logic_{signed,unsigned}.
07/19 03:44:45 hiyuh
mixing them does overload some functions in current vhdl standard,
it just makes noobs confuse.
07/19 03:45:17 NULL[0]
std_logic_(un)signed is part of the synopsys libraries like
07/19 03:45:50 hiyuh
nope, they are separated, iirc.
07/19 03:46:08 NULL[0]
library IEEE;
07/19 03:46:08 NULL[0]
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
07/19 03:46:08 NULL[0]
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
07/19 03:46:24 NULL[0]
that's the beginning of std_logic_signed
07/19 03:46:37 NULL[0]
-- Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 by Synopsys, Inc. --
07/19 03:49:10 hiyuh
07/19 03:49:54 NULL[0]
and ?
07/19 03:51:13 hiyuh
synopsys/std_logic_arith.vhdl has only "use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;"
07/19 03:51:23 hiyuh
so, they are separated.
07/19 03:51:40 NULL[0]
std_logic_(un)signed is a wrapper applied on std_logic_arith
07/19 03:52:43 hiyuh
07/19 03:53:00 hiyuh
but i don't use std_logic_unsigned/std_logic_signed to avoid overload
07/19 03:54:34 NULL[0]
std_logic_arith and numeric_std have more or less the same
functionalities, so there is no reason to use the library which is
not standard in newer code
07/19 03:55:24 hiyuh
again, plz promote me more.
07/19 03:55:37 hiyuh
in technical view.
07/19 03:56:05 hiyuh
std_logic_arith and numeric_std have more or less the same
functionalities, so there is no reason to migrate the library which
is not de facto standard.
07/19 03:57:09 hiyuh
NULL[0]: so what you said is "in technical"?
07/19 03:57:22 hiyuh
i don't think so.
07/19 03:57:28 MatthiasM
hiyuh: numeric_std has resize
07/19 03:57:51 MatthiasM
and shift_left/right with warnings when the numerical value changed
because of overflow
07/19 03:58:01 hiyuh
07/19 03:58:23 MatthiasM
eg resize(to_unsigned(10, 4), 3) gives a warning in simulation
07/19 03:58:45 MatthiasM
but resize(to_unsigned(10, 5), 4) is ok

07/19 04:02:52 hiyuh
yo, |fred| :)
07/19 04:03:14 |fred|
perfect timing to disappear ;o)
07/19 04:03:22 hiyuh
07/19 04:33:26 |fred|
hiyuh: I have actually right now to follow a guideline forbidding
numeric_std :)
07/19 04:34:00 hiyuh
07/19 04:34:59 hiyuh
k, i'll switch to numeric_std at next proj.
07/19 04:35:01 hiyuh

"it's t3h standard!!1"は"but ITJUSTWORKS(tm)"で一蹴される阿呆に共通する特徴.
でも,実を言うとstd_logic_arithに気に入らない所もあるので,今度から numeric_stdを使ってみっかな.
std_logic_arithにしがみついているのは,#vhdlでは少数派の様だし. :P


migrate2KMS(&nouveau); Firmware.karma--;

見ての通り大変な事になっとるので,もう少し弄る予定ナリよ. :DDD

結論から言うと,on-chip firmwareが腐っている臭い.
取り敢えず,コードに罵詈雑言を埋め込んでおこう. :P

勿論,スタイルはtwo-process手法をベースにmultiple CDCとlegacy/tech-specific blobに対応.


addSpice(&OSS, aBUG);


でも,faultless golden codeを書いてやろうとする気概は常に持ちたいもんだ.

なんとこの世は{生,逝}き難い事か!!1 :P


MeasureSLOC(&AL9); /* 2009/06 */

[diffstat for AL9, for 2009/06.]
 bench/BENCH_AFIFO.vhd         |    2 
bench/BENCH_BCMUX.vhd | 2
bench/BENCH_CLDPCDOP.vhd | 9
bench/BENCH_LDPCDDB.vhd | 126 +-
bench/BENCH_LDPCTX.vhd | 720 --------------
bench/BENCH_LDPCTX2LDPCRX.vhd | 1846 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
bench/BENCH_S2BER_IF.vhd | 194 +++
bench/BENCH_SB.vhd | 345 ++++---
bench/BENCH_SFIFO.vhd | 2
bench/BENCH_XQUEUE.vhd | 2
bench/LDPCRX_MEM.vhd | 187 +++
bench/LDPCTX_MEM.vhd | 4
stim/STIM_TX_DATA_CARR.vhd | 2
vhdl/BCBOOL.vhd | 172 +++
vhdl/BCMUX.vhd | 160 +++
vhdl/BER_IF_CLK.vhd | 26
vhdl/BER_IF_REG.vhd | 94 +
vhdl/CLDPCDOP.vhd | 3
vhdl/COS_VLSX4_MEM.vhd | 838 +++++++++++++++++
vhdl/ELDPCDII.vhd | 202 ----
vhdl/ELDPCDIP.vhd | 204 ++++
vhdl/FP1_LDPCRX.vhd | 2004 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
vhdl/FP1_LDPCTX.vhd | 79 +
vhdl/FP2_LDPCRX.vhd | 2052 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
vhdl/FP2_LDPCTX.vhd | 79 +
vhdl/FP3_LDPCRX.vhd | 489 ++++++----
vhdl/FP3_LDPCTX.vhd | 6
vhdl/FP4_LDPCRX.vhd | 471 ++++++---
vhdl/FP4_LDPCTX.vhd | 6
vhdl/HD2BO.vhd | 11
vhdl/LEDIND.vhd | 180 +++
vhdl/LLR2SC.vhd | 31
vhdl/PSQUASH.vhd | 22
vhdl/RX_LX_FEBE.vhd | 92 +
vhdl/S2BER_IF.vhd | 22
vhdl/SBSSBDD.vhd | 19
vhdl/SB_MASTER.vhd | 145 ++
vhdl/SB_SLAVE.vhd | 45
vhdl/SELDPCDIIM.vhd | 571 -----------
vhdl/SELDPCDIPM.vhd | 845 +++++++++++++++++
vhdl/TSR_CLK.vhd | 32
vhdl/TX_SX_FEBE.vhd | 34
vhdl/XDPRAM.vhd | 2
vhdl/XDYNSR.vhd | 2
vhdl/XQUEUE.vhd | 2
vhdl/XSPRAM.vhd | 2
vhdl/XSPSR.vhd | 2
vhdl/XSSSR.vhd | 2
48 files changed, 8288 insertions(+), 4099 deletions(-)

やっぱ,10kSLOC逝ってないZE!!1 :DDD
受信側のtop wrapperをrewriteしたのが一番大変だったかのぅ.
[ZOMG, under 10kSLOC AGAIN!!1 :DDD
Rewriting RX's top wrappers were rather big to me.]